Increased Expression of 5-HT3 and NK 1 Receptors in 5-Fluorouracil-Induced Mucositis in Mouse Jejunum.
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Joint Author
Matsumoto K, Nakajima T, Sakai H, Kato S, Sagara A, Arakawa K, Tashima K, Narita M, Horie S.
The 5-HT3 and NK1 immunopositive macrophages and mucosal mast cells in lamina propria release 5-HT and substance P, which in turn activate their corresponding receptors on mucosal cells in autocrine and paracrine manners. It is assumed to result in the release of 5-HT and substance P in mucosa.
Dig Dis Sci. 2013 May 22. DOI 10.1007/s10620-013-2709-7