Objectives:We conducted a questionnaire survey of registered salespersons working at pharmacies and store-based drug outlets to examine their preparations for taking the recently introduced professional qualification examination for persons selling over-the -counter(OTC)drugs,and how they perceived their profession.
Methods: A questionnaire was sent to registered salespersons(total, 120)of two drug store chains in the Chiba Prefecture and all were returned in the survey period, June-November,2010.The number of completed surveys was 116;4 uncompleted questionnaires were excluded from the analysis(overall response rate:96.7 %.
Results: The survey showed that around 70 % of respondents had a considerable period of practical experience before taking the examination for the professional qualification.
Most had attended educational programs offered by the store-based drug outlets or pharmacies where they were employed,and had also undertaken self-study.Almost 60 % of the respondents considered the profession to be worthwhile and rewarding,and 74 % were willing to improve their professional skills by attending study meetings. On the other hand,the provision of drug information about OTCs of groups 2 and 3 to customers at their workplace accounted for only 31 % of their total work time,suggesting that they are under-utilized as providers of health care advice.
Conclusions: The registered sales persons who responded to our survey had generally had several years of practical experience as employees of store-based drug outlets or pharmacies before taking the examination. Despite their experience and professional qualification,they appear to be underutilized as providers of drug information about OTCs of groups 2 and 3 to customers
Vol.43 No.3 pp288~293(共同研究につき本人担当部分の抽出不可能)