氏名 |
北田 素子 |
氏名(カナ) |
キタダ モトコ |
氏名(英語) |
Kitada Motoko |
所属 |
看護学部 看護学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
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Changes in skin adenosine triphosphate after antisepsis with and without skin wiping
Motoko Kitada, Minoru Kabashima, Satoko Hoshino, Kazuko Tateno, Yayoi Saito
In this study, experimental sites on the forearm were disinfected with alcohol, preceded by skin wiping or no skin wiping. ATP bioluminescence was used for the evaluation. In conclusion, wiping the skin before antisepsis at the time of catheter insertion is unlikely to contribute to the prevention of catheter-related infection.
Josai International University Bulletin