氏名 |
井上 明久 |
氏名(カナ) |
イノウエ アキヒサ |
氏名(英語) |
Inoue Akihisa |
所属 |
イノベーションベース |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- 1986/07 1986/10 ベル研究所(米国) 客員研究員
- 1987/08 1987/09 スウェーデン王立工科大学 客員研究員
- 1990/05 2006/03 東北大学金属材料研究所 教授
- 1997/04 2001/03 東京工業大学精密工学研究所、教授(併任)
- 1997/10 2002/09 科学技術振興事業団、創造科学プロジェクト「井上過冷金属」総括責任者
- 1998/04 2002/03 東北大学金属材料研究所、教授(併任)
- 1998/04 2002/03 東北大学未来科学技術共同研究センター、教授
- 2000/04 東北大学極低温科学センター、センター長(併任)
- 2000/04 2006/10 東北大学金属材料、教授、所長
- 2000/04 2006/10 東北大学学際科学研究センター、センター長(併任)
- 2001/04 文部科学省 科学官(併任)
- 2002/11 2006/10 東北大学総長補佐(研究推進担当、併任)
- 2003/04 2006/11 東北大学学際科学国際高等研究センター、センター長(併任)
- 2006/11 2012/03 東北大学総長
- 2006/12 日本学士院会員
- 2007/06 2012/03 国立大学協会 Vice President
- 2008/02 U.S.A. National Academy of Engineering, Foreign Member
- 2011/12 2013/03 Executive Director, Tohoku University/Shanghai Jiao Tong University Cooperative Center for Materials Science
- 2012/04 東北大学名誉教授
- 2012/04 城西国際大学国際グリーンマテリアル研究所 所長
- 2012/04 城西国際大学 招聘教授
- 2012/04 Specially Invited Professor, Tianjin University
- 2012/04 Special Senior Adviser to President of Tohoku University
- 2012/04 Special Adviser to the Chancellor, Josai University Educational Corporation
- 2012/04 Professor, Science Department, Josai University
- 2012/04 Highly Cited Researcher, King Abdulaziz University
- 2012/08 One Thousand Invited Talented Scientist, China
- 2012/10 Chair Professor, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology and Engineering, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- 2015/09 Highly Qualified Researcher, National University of Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia
- Microstructures and Mechanical Properties of Highly Electrically Conductive Cu-0.5, Cu-1 and Cu-2at%Zr Alloy Wires 共著 MATERIALS TRANSACTIONS 2013/02
- A representative of a new class of materials: Nanograined metallic glasses showing unique properties 共著 AIP Conference Proceedings 2013/02
- Investigation of transparent magnetic material formed by selective oxidation of a metallic glass 共著 Thin Solid Films 2013/03
- A novel Ti-based nanoglass composite with submicron–nanometer-sized hierarchical structures to modulate osteoblast behaviors 共著 Journal of Materials Chemistry B 2013/03
- Iron-based bulk metallic glasses 共著 International Materials Reviews 2013/04
- Ni-based amorphous alloy-coating for bipolar plate of PEM fuel cell by electrochemical plating 共著 15th International Conference on Thin Films 2013/06
- Investigation of the structure and mechanical properties of as-cast Ti-Cu-based alloys 共著 Materials Science and Engineering: A 2013/06
- A nanoporous composite by dealloying rapidly quenched Co75Pd20Si5 共著 Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2013/06
- Direct synthesis of amorphous carbon nanotubes on Fe76Si9B10P5 glassy alloy particles 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2013/07
- A new CoFe-based bulk metallic glasses with high thermoplastic forming ability 共著 Scripta Materialia 2013/10
- Glass forming ability and crystallization behavior of Al-Ni-RE metallic glasses 共著 Intermetallics 2013/12
- High strength CoFe-based glassy alloy with high thermal stability 共著 Materials Letters 2014/01
- Experimental and theoretical study of Ti20Zr20Hf20Nb20X20 (X = V or Cr) refractory high-entropy alloys 共著 International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 2014/01
- Zr-based bulk metallic glass composite with in situ precipitated nanocrystals 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014/02
- Soft magnetic properties and microstructure of Fe84−xNb2B14Cux nanocrystalline alloys 共著 Materials & Design 2014/04
- Enzyme-Free Electrochemical Glucose Sensors Prepared by Dealloying Pd-Ni-P Metallic Glasses 共著 Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2014/04
- Pronounced enhancement of glass-forming ability of Fe–Si–B–P bulk metallic glass in oxygen atmosphere 共著 Journal of Materials Research 2014/05
- Origin of abnormal glass transition behavior in metallic glasses 共著 Intermetallics 2014/06
- Composition Effect on Intrinsic Plasticity or Brittleness in Metallic Glasses 共著 Scientific Reports 2014/07
- Mechanical properties and structural features of novel Fe-based bulk metallic glasses with unprecedented plasticity 共著 Scientific Reports 2014/08
- Fabrication and new electrochemical properties of nanoporous Cu by dealloying amorphous Cu–Hf–Al alloys 共著 Intermetallics 2014/09
- Sub-Tg Relaxation and Multi-Stage Glass Transition Behavior for Bulk Glassy Alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014/10
- Surface modified Ti based metallic glasses for bioactivation by electrochemical treatment technique 単著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014/12
- Fe-based soft magnetic amorphous alloys with high saturation magnetization above 1.5 T and high corrosion resistance 共著 Intermetallics 2014/12
- Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloys with high saturation magnetization and good bending ductility 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014/12
- Development and Applications of Fe- and Co-based Bulk Glassy Alloys and Their Prospects 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2014/12
- Correlation of atomic packing with the boson peak in amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Applied Physics 2014/12
- Syntheses and corrosion behaviors of Fe-based amorphous soft magnetic alloys with high-saturation magnetization near 1.7 T 共著 Journal of Materials Research 2015/02
- High-entropy bulk metallic glasses as promising magnetic refrigerants 共著 Journal of Applied Physics 2015/02
- Crystal growth limitation as a critical factor for formation of Fe-based bulk metallic glasses 共著 Acta Materialia 2015/02
- The magnetocaloric effect of Gd-Tb-Dy-Al-M (M = Fe, Co and Ni) high-entropy bulk metallic glasses 共著 Intermetallics 2015/03
- Production methods and properties of engineering glassy alloys and composites 共著 Intermetallics 2015/03
- Direct production of hard magnetic ribbons with enhanced magnetic properties by controlling cooling rate of melt 共著 Journal of Applied Physics 2015/03
- Multicomponent nanoporous metals prepared by dealloying Pd80−xNixP20 metallic glasses 共著 Intermetallics 2015/06
- Effect of high-order multicomponent on formation and properties of Zr-based bulk glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2015/07
- Crystallization behavior of Fe- and Co-based bulk metallic glasses and their glass-forming ability 共著 Materials Chemistry and Physics 2015/07
- Solidification Atmosphere and Glass-Forming Ability of Engineering Important Fe- and Zr-Based Bulk Glassy Alloys 共著 Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals 2015/09
- Bulk Glassy Alloys: Historical Development and Current Research 単著 Engineering 2015/09
- Syntheses and Fundamental Properties of Fe-rich Metastable Phase Alloys with Saturation Magnetization Exceeding 1.9 T 共著 Materials Research 2015/10
- Secondary phases in quasicrystal-reinforced Mg–3.5Zn–0.6Gd Mg alloy 共著 Materials Characterization 2015/10
- Development and Applications of Highly Functional Al-based Materials by Use of Metastable Phases 共著 Materials Research 2015/12
- Synthesis of rutile–brookite TiO2 by dealloying Ti–Cu amorphous alloy 共著 Materials Research Bulletin 2016/01
- Synthesis and properties of nanoporous Ag2S/CuS catalyst for hydrogen evolution reaction 共著 Electrochimica Acta 2016/02
- Softening and good ductility for nanocrystal-dispersed amorphous Fe–Co–B alloys with high saturation magnetization above 1.7 T 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016/02
- Softening and good ductility for nanocrystal-dispersed amorphous Fe–Co–B alloys with high saturation magnetization above 1.7 T 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016/02
- Dislocations in icosahedral quasicrystalline phase embedded in hot-deformed Mg alloys 共著 J Alloy Compd 2016/02
- Anatase TiO2 hierarchical nanospheres with enhanced photocatalytic activity for degrading methyl orange 共著 Materials Chemistry and Physics 2016/02
- Structural evolution and energy landscape of the clusters in Zr55Cu35Al10 metallic liquid and glass 共著 Scripta Materialia 2016/03
- Ti–Ag–Pd alloy with good mechanical properties and high potential for biological applications 単著 Scientific Reports 2016/04
- Extraordinary magnetocaloric effect of Fe-based bulk glassy rods by combining fluxing treatment and J-quenching technique 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016/05
- SENNTIX-type amorphous alloys with high Bs and improved corrosion resistance 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016/07
- Peculiarities and Usefulness of Multicomponent Bulk Metallic Alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016/07
- Compressive plasticity of a La-based glass-crystal composite at cryogenic temperatures 共著 Materials & Design 2016/07
- Compressive plasticity of a La-based glass-crystal composite at cryogenic temperatures 共著 Materials & Design 2016/07
- FeCo-based soft magnetic alloys with high Bs approaching 1.75 T and good bending ductility 単著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2016/08
- New Fe-based soft magnetic amorphous alloys with high saturation magnetization and good corrosion resistance for dust core application 共著 Intermetallics 2016/09
- Annealing-induced enthalpy relaxation behavior of Ni-Pd-P-B bulk glassy type alloys 共著 Materials Science and Engineering: A 2016/09
- Syntheses and Fundamental Properties of Cr/Mo-Adoped Fe-Rich Alloys With Metastable Phase and Saturation Magnetization Near 1.9 T 共著 Materials Research 2016/10
- One-step synthesis of size-controlled Br-doped TiO2 nanoparticles with enhanced visible-light photocatalytic activity 共著 Materials Research Bulletin 2016/10
- Hierarchical nanoporous metal/BMG composite rods with excellent mechanical properties 共著 Intermetallics 2016/10
- Influence of ejection temperature on structure and glass transition behavior for Zr-based rapidly quenched disordered alloys 共著 Acta Materialia 2016/11
- High formability of glass plus fcc-Al phases in rapidly solidified Al-based multicomponent alloy 共著 Journal of Materials Science 2016/11
- High entropy effect on structure and properties of (Fe,Co,Ni,Cr)-B amorphous alloys 共著 Joural of Alloys and Compounds 2016/11
- High Formability of Glass plus fcc-Al Phases in Rapidly Solidified Al-based Multicomponent Alloy 共著 Journal of Materials Science 2016/11
- Novel bioactive Fe-based metallic glasses with excellent apatite-forming ability 共著 Materials Science and Engineering: C 2016/12
- FeCo-based soft magnetic alloys with high Bs approaching 1.75 T and good bending ductility 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/01
- High entropy effect on structure and properties of (Fe,Co,Ni,Cr)-B amorphous alloys 単著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/03
- Excellent soft magnetic Fe-Co-B-based amorphous alloys with extremely high saturation magnetization above 1.85 T and low coercivity below 3 A/m 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/03
- Excellent soft magnetic Fe-Co-B-based amorphous alloys with extremely high saturation magnetization above 1.85 T and low coercivity below 3 A/m 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/03
- Novel Heating-Induced Reversion during Crystallization of Al-based Glassy Alloys 共著 Scientific Reports 2017/04
- Novel Heating-Induced Reversion during Crystallization of Al-based Glassy Alloys 共著 Scientific Reports 2017/04
- Fluxing induced boron alloying in Fe-based bulk metallic glasses 共著 Materials & Design 2017/05
- Soft magnetic Fe-Co-based amorphous alloys with extremely high saturation magnetization exceeding 1.9 T and low coercivity of 2 A/m 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/06
- Features and Prospects of Multicomponent Metallic Glasses 共著 J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy 2017/09
- Development and application of Fe-based soft magnetic bulk metallic glassy inductors 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/09
- Formation, thermal stability and mechanical properties of high entropy (Fe,Co,Ni,Cr,Mo)-B amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/10
- Influence of Ag replacement on supercooled liquid region and icosahedral phase precipitation of Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu17.5-xAgx (x = 0–17.5 at%) glassy alloys 単著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/11
- Novel Fe-based nanocrystalline powder cores with excellent magnetic properties produced using gas-atomized powder 共著 Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 2017/12
- Liquid ejection temperature dependence of structure and glass transition behavior for rapidly solidified Zr-Al-M (M=Ni, Cu or Co) ternary glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2017/12
- Ductile Fe-based bulk metallic glasses at room temperature 共著 Materials Science and Technology 2017/12
- Formation, thermal stability and mechanical properties of high entropy (Fe,Co,Ni,Cr,Mo)-B amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018/01
- Features and Prospects of Multicomponent Metallic Glasses 共著 J. Jpn. Soc. Powder Powder Metallurgy 2018/01
- Novel deformation-induced polymorphic crystallization and softening of Al-based amorphous alloys 共著 Acta Materialia 2018/02
- Influence of Ag replacement on supercooled liquid region and icosahedral phase precipitation of Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu17.5-xAgx (x = 0–17.5 at%) glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018/02
- Liquid ejection temperature dependence of structure and glass transition behavior for rapidly solidified Zr-Al-M (M=Ni, Cu or Co) ternary glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018/03
- Influence of laser surface melting treatment on the surface composition and mechanical properties of a Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu12.5Ag5 bulk metallic glass 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2018/03
- A nanoporous metal phosphide catalyst for bifunctional water splitting 共著 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018/03
- Ductile Fe-based bulk metallic glasses at room temperature 共著 Materials Science and Technology 2018/04
- A nanoporous metal phosphide catalyst for bifunctional water splitting 共著 Journal of Materials Chemistry A 2018/04
- Nanoporous metallic structures by de-alloying bulk glass forming Zr-based alloys 共著 Intermetallics 2018/05
- Nanoporous metallic structures by de-alloying bulk glass forming Zr-based alloys 共著 Intermetallics 2018/05
- Influence of laser surface melting treatment on the surface composition and mechanical properties of a Zr65Al7.5Ni10Cu12.5Ag5 bulk metallic glass 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2018/05
- Soft magnetic properties of Fe82-83B14-15Si2C0.5-1 amorphous alloys with high saturation magnetization above 1.7 T 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2018/08
- Plastic Deformation Mechanism of Ductile Fe50Ni30P13C7 Metallic Glass 共著 Metals and Materials International 2018/08
- Development and application of Fe-based soft magnetic bulk metallic glassy inductors 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018/09
- Effect of cooling rate on structures and mechanical behavior of Cu50Zr50 metallic glass: A molecular-dynamics study 共著 Physica B: Condensed Matter 2018/10
- Syntheses and features of pseudo-high entropy and clustered glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Hebei University of Technology 2018/11
- Preparation and electrocatalytic performance of nanoporous Pd/Sn and Pd/Sn-CuO composite catalysts 共著 Electrochimica Acta 2018/11
- Influence of Ag replacement on the formation and heating-induced phase decomposition of Zr65Al7.5Co27.5-xAgx (x=5 to 20 at%) glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2018/12
- Nanocrystallization, good soft magnetic properties and ultrahigh mechanical strength for Fe82-85B13-16Si1Cu1 amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019/01
- An amorphous nanoporous PdCuNi-S hybrid electrocatalyst for highly efficient hydrogen production 共著 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019/01
- Low-cost fabrication of amorphous cobalt-iron-boron nanosheets for high-performance asymmetric supercapacitors 共著 Electrochimica Acta 2019/02
- Free-standing amorphous nanoporous nickel cobalt phosphide prepared by electrochemically delloying process as a high performance energy storage electrode material 共著 Energy Storage Materials 2019/02
- Flexible NiO micro-rods/nanoporous Ni/metallic glass electrode with sandwich structure for high performance supercapacitors 共著 Electrochimica Acta 2019/02
- Influence of Ag replacement on the formation and heating-induced phase decomposition of Zr65Al7.5Co27.5-xAgx (x=5 to 20 at%) glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019/04
- Nanocrystallization, good soft magnetic properties and ultrahigh mechanical strength for Fe82-85B13-16Si1Cu1 amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019/05
- Formation, stability and ultrahigh strength of novel nanostructured alloys by partial crystallization of high-entropy (Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mo0.125)86‒89B11‒14 amorphous phase 共著 Acta Materialia 2019/05
- An amorphous nanoporous PdCuNi-S hybrid electrocatalyst for highly efficient hydrogen production 共著 Applied Catalysis B: Environmental 2019/06
- Ultrafine Cu2O/CuO nanosheet arrays integrated with NPC/BMG composite rod for photocatalytic degradation 共著 Applied Surface Science 2019/07
- Formation of nano-porous Pd(Ni) structure produced by dealloying Zr-Al-Ni-Pd base glassy alloys and their electrochemical properties 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2019/08
- Static and Dynamic Thermal Properties of a Pd40Ni40Si20 Glassy Alloy 共著 Metals 2019/10
- Static and Dynamic Thermal Properties of a Pd40Ni40Si20 Glassy Alloy 共著 Metals 2019/10
- High-Frequency soft magnetic properties of Fe-Si-B-P-Mo-Cu amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2019/10
- Multicomponent bulk metallic glasses with elevated-temperature resistance 共著 MRS Bulletin 2019/11
- Formation, structure and properties of pseudo-high entropy clustered bulk metallic glasses 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2019/11
- Soft Magnetic Materials 共著 Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier 2020 2020/01
- Multistage Phase Decomposition Behavior and Kinetics for Zr65Ni30Pd5 Ternary Amorphous Alloy 共著 Materials Research 2020/01
- Formation, thermal stability and mechanical properties of high entropy (Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mo0.0625Nb0.0625)100‒xBx (x = 7‒14) amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds 2020/01
- Preparation and electrocatalytic performance of nanoporous Pd/Sn and Pd/Sn-CuO composite catalysts 共著 Electrochimica Acta 2020/02
- Formation and evolution of ultrathin Cu2O nanowires on NPC ribbon by anodizing for photocatalytic degradation 共著 Applied Surface Science 2020/03
- Formation and evolution of ultrathin Cu2O nanowires on NPC ribbon by anodizing for photocatalytic degradation 共著 Applied Surface Science Volume 506 2020/03
- Hierarchical {332}<113> twinning in a metastable β Ti-alloy showing tolerance to strain localization 共著 Materials Research Letters Volume 8, 2020 - Issue 7 2020/04
- Formation, structure and properties of pseudo-high entropy clustered bulk metallic glasses 共著 J. Alloys Compd. 820 2020/04
- Preparation of nanoporous Sn-doped TiO2 anode material for lithium-ion batteries by a simple dealloying method 共著 Ionics 26 2020/05
- Microstructure and mechanical properties of TC4 joints brazed with Ti–Zr–Cu–Sn amorphous filler alloy 共著 Rare Metals (2020) 2020/05
- Formation, thermal stability and mechanical properties of high-entropy (Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mo0.0625Nb0.0625)100‒xBx (x = 7–14) amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 825 2020/06
- Corrosion properties of amorphous, partially, and fully crystallized Fe68Cr8Mo4Nb4B16 alloy 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 826 2020/06
- Binary Fe-based amorphous wires prepared by the melt-extraction method 共著 Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials-Rapid Communications 14(5-6) 2020/06
- The morphology control and mechanical properties of nanoporous Ag 共著 Materials & Design Volume 192 2020/07
- Phase decomposition and mechanical properties of pseudo-high entropy Zr65(Al,Fe,Co,Ni,M)35 (M=Cu, Ag or Pd) glassy alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 829 2020/07
- Iron-based magnetocaloric materials 共著 Reference Module in Materials Science and Materials Engineering, Elsevier 2020 2020/08
- Understanding the macroscopical flexibility/fragility of nanoporous Ag: Depending on network connectivity and micro-defects 共著 Journal of Materials Science & Technology Volume 53 2020/09
- Icosahedral and dodecagonal quasicrystal plus glass alloys with plastic deformability 共著 Acta Materialia Volume 199 2020/10
- Novel phase decomposition, good soft-magnetic and mechanical properties for high-entropy (Fe0.25Co0.25Ni0.25Cr0.125Mn0.125)100–xBx (x = 9–13) amorphous alloys 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 843 2020/11
- Improving glass forming ability of off-eutectic metallic glass formers by manipulating primary crystallization reactions 共著 Acta Materialia Volume 200 2020/11
- Highly flexible and conductive nanoporous Ag as good substrate for flexible hybrid supercapacitors 共著 Journal of Alloys and Compounds Volume 854 2021/02
- Fe-B-Si-C-Cu amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys with ultrahigh hardness and enhanced soft magnetic properties 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2021 Vol. 554 2021/02
- Structural homology of the strength for metallic glasses 共著 Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2021/08
- Zr50M50 and Zr50(M,NM)50 alloys show different heating-induced phase transitions. • Zr50M50 ribbons show plastic elongation under uniaxial tension and work-hardening. 共著 Journal of Materials Science & Technology 2021/09
- Formation, microstructure and mechanical properties of ductile Zr-rich Zr–Cu–Al bulk metallic glass composites 共著 Journal of Materials Research and Technology 2021/11
- Crystallization and its kinetics of soft magnetic (Fe1−xNix)79B12P5Si3C1 glassy alloy ribbons 共著 J. Alloys Compd. 2021/12
- Corrosion resistance of pseudo-high entropy Fe-containing amorphous alloys in chloride-rich media 共著 J. Alloys Compd. 2021/12
- Mechanism of low thermal conductivity for Fe76Si13B8Nb2Cu1 amorphous and nanocrystalline alloys at room temperature 共著 Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 2022/01
- Compositional influence on heating-induced clustered glass formation for multicomponent Zr55-60Al10(Co,Ni,Cu,Ag)30-35 alloys 共著 Intermetallics 2022/02
- Development and applications of Fe- and Co-based bulk glassy alloys and their new recent prospects Torino, Italy, 30 June - 5 July, 2013. The 20th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2013) 2013/07/01
- Formation and Structural Features of Fe-based Bulk Glassy Alloys with Centimeter Diameters Qingdao, China, 22-28, September, 2013. IUMRS-ICAM2013 International Conference on Advanced Materials (IUMRS-ICAM2013) 2013/09/24
- Development History & Applications of Bulk Glassy and Nanocystalline Metallic Materials Las Vegas, USA, 2-6 December, 2013. International conference on Processing & manufacturing of advanced materials (THERMEC 2013) 2013/12/03
- Future perspective in science and technology of bulk glassy alloys Las Vegas, USA, 2-6 December, 2013. International conference on Processing & manufacturing of advanced materials (THERMEC 2013) 2013/12/05
- Developments of High-Strength Al-based Alloys by Use of Amorphous, Nanocrystalline and Nanoquasicrystalline Phases NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 15-19 June 2014. 14th International Conference on Aluminium Alloys (ICAA 14). 2014/06/16
- Structural relaxation behavior of amorphous and bulk glassy alloys Cancún, México 29 June - 4 July, 2014. The 21th International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials (ISMANAM 2014) 2014/06/30
- Syntheses and properties of Fe-based amorphous and glassy alloys as magnetic and structural materials Shanghai, China, 24-28 August, 2014. The 15th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials (RQ15). 2014/08/25
- Syntheses and fundamental properties of Fe-rich metastable phase alloys with saturation magnetization exceeding 1.9 T Shanghai, China, 24-28 August, 2014. The 15th International Conference on Rapidly Quenched and Metastable Materials (RQ15) 2014/08/27
- Development and Applications of Nonequilibrium Metallic Materials Shanghai, China, 24-27 September, 2014. 2014 International Conference on Functional Materials (ICFM 2014). 2014/09/25
- Production Method and Properties of Engineering Bulk Glassy Alloys Shanghai, China, 8-12 June, 2014. The 10th International Conference on Bulk Metallic Glasses (BMG X). 2014/10/27
- Development History And Applications Of Bulk Glassy And Nanocrystalline Metallic Materials International conference on applications, research and Technology. Hyderabad, India, June 12-15, 2015 2015/06/13
- Development and Applications of Quasicrystal-dispersed Al- and Mg-based Bulk Alloys 22nd International Symposium on Metastable, Amorphous and Nanostructured Materials. Paris, France, July 12-17, 2015 2015/07/13
- Development and Applications of Bulk Glassy Alloys ICAM 2015, Shanghai, China, September 19, 2015 2015/09/19
- Influences of liquid temperature, atmosphere and production process on solidification structures and properties of bulk glassy alloys 6th international conference on solidification science and processing, Hyderabad, India, November 24-27, 2015 2015/12/25
- Influence of External Parameters on the Appearance of Glass Transition and Stability of Supercooled Liquid for Bulk Metallic Glasses May 27-31, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea 2018/05/28
- Features and Industrialization State of Bulk Metallic Glasses July 8-13, 2018, Paris – FRANCE 2018/07/11
- The Influence of Liquid Ejection Temperature on the Structure, Thermal Stability and Mechanical Properties for Zr-based Glassy Alloys November 19-22, 2018, Trivandrum, Kerala, India 2018/11/20