氏名 |
齋藤 カルメン |
氏名(カナ) |
サイトウ カルメン |
氏名(英語) |
SAITOU Karumen |
所属 |
大学 薬学部 医療薬学科 (6年)コースなし |
職名 |
助手 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- Studies toward the development of new silicon-containing building blocks for the direct (18)F-labeling of peptides/Dialer LO, Selivanova SV, Müller (Saito) CJ, Müller A, Stellfeld T, Graham K, Dinkelborg LM, Krämer SD, Schibli R, Reiher M, Ametamey SM/Joint Author/Journal of Medicinal Chemistry/2013/08
- Comparison of Emergency Contraceptive Pill Regulations in Other Highly Developed Countries and Policy Recommendations for the Deregulation in Japan/Saito C, Kobayashi E/Joint Author/Regulatory Science of Medical Products/2024/01
- Perspectives on Emergency Contraceptive Pill Regulations: A Survey of Community Pharmacists from Chiba Prefecture Who Have Completed Training to Dispense Emergency Contraceptive Pills on Prescription/Saito C, Kobayashi E/Joint Author/Journal of Community Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences/2024/03
- The Status Quo and Challenges of Community Collaborative Pharmacies and Specialized Medical Institution Cooperating Pharmacies in Chiba Prefecture/Korikawa A, Saito C, Satoh N, Kobayashi E/Joint Author/Regulatory Science of Medical Products/2024/09
- 緊急避妊薬の規制に関する課題と展望 5. 亀井美和子、齋藤カルメン、中島理恵、長津雅則、小林江梨子 共著 医薬品相互作用研究 2024/09