![]() 教員名 : 森 健二
Introduction to Health Science
田嶋 公人、山村 重雄、懸川 友人、新倉 雄一、森 健二
English and Japanese
This course aims to give students various important viewpoints to understand and solve the healthcare problems because of the increase of the number in elderly people or necessary to improve environment of healthcare. Each county has individual context to change and desirable outcome would be different. In this subject, participants try to consider healthcare problem in all aspects such as microbiology, molecular biology, pharmacology, pharmaceutics, pathophysiology, pharmacognosy and Kampo medicine, and social pharmacy from the world. Students are expected to make presentations and also engage in active discussions.
【Related DP】8 (PC2024), 5 (PC2022-2023), 3 (PC2015-2021) 【Related SDGs】3, 17 授業の概要
① Elective subject (Credit 2) ② Introduction Health and Sciences ③ ----------- ④ lecture ⑤ Course Outcomes By the end of the course, students will be able to: 1) Conduct literature search on topic selected 2) Read and respond to academic texts critically 3) Plan and write an argumentative essay 4) Present chosen academic topic verbally ⑥ English Professor in charge of Kenji Mori Ph.D., Kimihito Tashima Ph.D., Tomohito Kakegawa, Ph.D, Yuichi Niikura, Ph.D. 授業計画
The general outlines of this lecture will be given. Each student is expected to introduce himself or herself, and to explain what the pressing healthcare problems are in his or her own country.
参加メンバーには、一人ひとり自分の国における薬学、健康産業、薬剤師の役割について話してください。そして、説明を聞いている人は、自分の国と比べ何が異なるか、それとも類似しているかメモを取ってください。 Instructor Information Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D. Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
We are going to watch the JIU Pharmaceutical International Education Archive in which Ms. Keiko Assenheimer, a pharmacist in Germany, gave a lecture on Japanese society, pharmaceutical sicence, healthcare system, and the role of pharmacists from her viewpoints . Afterwards, we will discuss whether or not the course aims to consider the role of Japanese pharma and pharmacists seen not only from within Japan but also from abroad, and whether or not this will benefit the growth of each member of the class.
ドイツで活躍されている薬剤師アッセンハイマー慶子さんが、日本の社会、薬学、医療制度、そして、薬剤師の役割について話された薬学国際教育のアーカイブ映像を視聴する。その後、当該科目で国内だけでなく海外から見た日本の薬学や薬剤師の役割を考えることが、参加してくれた皆さん一人ひとりの成長にプラスになるかどうか議論する。 Instructor Information Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D. Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
The health care system in Switzerland and its influence on pharmacists' duties and responsibilities / スイスの医療制度と薬剤師の業務内容への影響
The health care system in Switzerland differs from other European countries in the fact that there is no national health insurance, but residents are required to get health insurance from a private insurance company. In this lecture, students will learn about the Swiss health care system and the problems it faces, as well as what responsibilities pharmacists are taking on to improve public health. We will take a closer look at the services that Swiss pharmacists are providing to customers (such as vaccine administration, emergency contraceptive services, and dispensing certain prescription drugs to patients without a prescription) and compare them to Japan. Instructor Information Name: Carmen Saito, MS Email: csaitoアットマークjiu.ac.jp Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D. Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Effects of Wasabi on the Gastrointestinal Tract for Our Health ? / ワサビの消化管への作用が私たちの健康に役立つ?(Dr. Tashima)
Spices such as chili and wasabi are an essential dining table’s flavor for having a good appetite in our daily meal. Recently, these spices were also shown to facilitate gastrointestinal function including gastric acid secretion and motility from the bench work. So we should have spices more? The lecture will be talked and discussed with audiences about how we enjoy and keep our health with spices from pharmaceutical point of view. Instructor Information Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
A story from an overseas pharmaceutical start-up manufacturer attacking a niche / ニッチで攻める海外製薬スタートアップメーカーの方からのお話 (Coordinate : Dr. Mori)
A U.S. pharmaceutical startup is going to talk about the world of pharmaceutical business using special technology. The special technology is a manufacturing technology for pharmaceuticals that can be absorbed through the skin, and the company has several drug candidates. He will also talk about the pharmaceutical market in the U.S. and Asia. Coordinete Information Name: Kenji Mori, Ph.D. Email: kmoriアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Drug discovery and pharmaceutic 創薬と薬剤学 (Dr. Mori)
In the study of medicine, the toxic effect and drug efficacy of the chemical compound are important as well as dosage form. Chemical compound is absorbed, distributed, metabolized and excreted in the body after administration of medicine. Rates of these four processes can be modified by pharmaceutical dosage form and formulation additives to improve the usefulness of the medicine. The students will learn about pharmaceutical dosage form and formulation additives in this class. Instructor Information Name: Kenji Mori, Ph.D. Email: kmoriアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
A novel therapeutic approach for improving women’s health 女性の健康増進に向けた新たな治療法の提案 (Dr. Niikura)
Every woman is destined to face with reproductive aging (menopause), resulting from the lost capacity to maintain eggs containing ovarian follicles in the ovaries. The age-related alteration leads to infertility and systemic health complications such as osteoporosis, and thus severely impairs work-life balance of women, a major social issue in many of the developed countries including Japan. My research group has been working on to develop a novel therapeutic approach for maintaining ovarian follicle reserve in terms of quality and quantity through “neo-oogenesis”. This lecture is designed to provide students with an opportunity to broaden their visions by learning the impact of basic science on our society. Instructor Information Name: Yuichi Niikura, Ph.D. Email: yniikuraアットマークgjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Apply the latest technology for prevention of lifestyle diseases / 生活習慣病予防のための最新技術の応用 (Dr. Kakegawa)
As symptoms of lifestyle diseases are difficult to recognize and treatment is required for a long term or a lifetime, interest in correct lifestyle that prevent lifestyle diseases in advance is increasing in Japan. I would like to introduce an attempt to predict the effects of medicine, the living environment and eating habits on our QOL by using the latest trick omics information and propose correct lifestyle habits and environments based on our results. Instructor Information Name: Tomohito Kakegawa, Ph.D Email: tomohitoアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Read the FIP development goals 1
FIP (国際薬剤師・薬学連合) development goalsを読む (Dr. Tashima) FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) is an organization representing more than 4 million pharmacists, pharmacy scientists, and pharmacy educators from 146 countries around the world. The FIP has announced its Development Goals, which are 21 development goals that address what elements of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), are necessary for the further development of the FIP, and what initiatives will be required in the future. The 21 goals are to be achieved by the FIP. In order to be understood by pharmacists, pharmacy students, and pharmacy education researchers around the world, the FIP needed to be translated in each country. Prof. Shigeo Yamamura led this effort, and the Japanese version was published in 2022. Let's deepen our understanding of what pharmacists around the world are working toward by reading in a circle. 国際薬剤師・薬学連合 FIPとは、146の国から世界中の400万人を超える薬剤師、薬科学者、薬学教育者を代表する団体です。そのFIPが2020年に開発目標を発表しました(FIP Development Goals と呼びます)。FIP Development Goalsでは国内でもSDGs (持続可能な開発目標)という言葉はご存じと思いますが、FIPがさらに発展するためにはどのような要素が必要で、どのような取り組みが今後必要になっていくかを掲げた21項目の開発目標を設定されています。そして、その内容は世界中の薬剤師、薬学生、および、薬学教育研究者に理解されるために、それぞれの国で翻訳されることが求められていました。その活動を本学の山村重雄教授が中心となって行い、2022年日本語訳が発表されました。世界の薬剤師が何を目標にして活動しているのか輪読することで理解を深めましょう。 Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNrwx2TTP_8 https://www.jiu.ac.jp/pharmacy/news/detail/id=13378 Instructor Information Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Read the FIP development goals 2
FIP (国際薬剤師・薬学連合) development goalsを読む (Dr. Tashima) FIP (International Pharmaceutical Federation) is an organization representing more than 4 million pharmacists, pharmacy scientists, and pharmacy educators from 146 countries around the world. The FIP has announced its Development Goals, which are 21 development goals that address what elements of the SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals), are necessary for the further development of the FIP, and what initiatives will be required in the future. The 21 goals are to be achieved by the FIP. In order to be understood by pharmacists, pharmacy students, and pharmacy education researchers around the world, the FIP needed to be translated in each country. Prof. Shigeo Yamamura led this effort, and the Japanese version was published in 2022. Let's deepen our understanding of what pharmacists around the world are working toward by reading in a circle. 国際薬剤師・薬学連合 FIPとは、146の国から世界中の400万人を超える薬剤師、薬科学者、薬学教育者を代表する団体です。そのFIPが2020年に開発目標を発表しました(FIP Development Goals と呼びます)。FIP Development Goalsでは国内でもSDGs (持続可能な開発目標)という言葉はご存じと思いますが、FIPがさらに発展するためにはどのような要素が必要で、どのような取り組みが今後必要になっていくかを掲げた21項目の開発目標を設定されています。そして、その内容は世界中の薬剤師、薬学生、および、薬学教育研究者に理解されるために、それぞれの国で翻訳されることが求められていました。その活動を本学の山村重雄教授が中心となって行い、2022年日本語訳が発表されました。世界の薬剤師が何を目標にして活動しているのか輪読することで理解を深めましょう。 Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VNrwx2TTP_8 https://www.jiu.ac.jp/pharmacy/news/detail/id=13378 Instructor Information Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Healthcare facilities and insurance:
Identify the types of healthcare facilities in the United States and Japan. Compile a list of healthcare professionals that work in these facilities. Differentiate between the methods of payment for healthcare in the United States and Japan Compare and contrast private and state/federal insurance, health savings accounts, and managed care. In addition, look up, list and compare the payment systems of the Japanese National Health Insurance, Employees’ Insurance, Company Insurance, and Mutual Aid Insurances, too. 1医療施設と保険 米国の医療施設の種類を特定する。これらの施設で働く医療専門家のリストを作成する。米国における医療費の支払い方法を区別する。民間保険と州/連邦保険、健康貯蓄口座、マネージドケアを比較対照する。合わせて、日本国の国民健康保険、 厚生年金、 企業年金、共済年金などの支払い制度も調査・比較する。 Instructor Information: Prof. Simon Peter Bahau, Prof. Kenji Mori , Ph.D 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Cultural awareness of Health
Define the terms culture, ethnicity, and race. Research customs, beliefs, and practices surrounding health care from another culture, ethnicity, or race. Compare and contrast how aspects such as respect, informed consent and medical decision making, medical testing, and social context vary across different cultures and populations. 健康に関する文化的認識 文化、民族、人種という用語を定義する。 他の文化、民族、人種の医療にまつわる習慣、信条、慣行を調べる。 尊重、インフォームド・コンセント、医療上の意思決定、医療検査、社会的背景などの側面が、異なる文化や集団によってどのように異なるかを比較対照する。 Instructor Information: Prof. Simon Peter Bahau, Prof. Kenji Mori , Ph.D 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
Reflect on what you have learned on this course, and discuss our future and your dream.
このコースで学んだことを振り返り、私たちの未来とあなたの夢について話し合う Instructor Information Name: Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp 事前学習
Review lecture contents (2h).
Review lecture handouts to deepen understanding of lecture content (2h).
【Possible Assessments】
(1) On-going Assessment: 50%(授業テーマ毎に200 wordsエッセイを提出) (2) Test (Presentation and products) 50% (当該科目で印象に残ったこと・成長したことについて、3-5分間 英語プレゼンテーションムービーを作成する) Total 100 % 課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバック
Handouts will be distributed in class as appropriate.
「世界史を変えた薬」 佐藤健太郎 (著) (講談社 2015年、924円) 978-4062883382
田嶋公人 (K棟507, ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp)
森 健二 (K棟308, kmoriアットマークjiu.ac.jp) 新倉雄一 (K棟210, yniikuraアットマークjiu.ac.jp) 懸川友人(K棟202, tomohitoアットマークjiu.ac.jp) 齋藤カルメン(K棟208, csaitoアットマークjiu.ac.jp) オフィスアワー
Kimihito Tashima, Ph.D
Room: K507 (Togane campus) Office Hour (SS period): 9:05-11:00 am on Monday and Tuesday Email: ktashimaアットマークjiu.ac.jp Kenji Mori, PhD. Room: K308 (Togane campus) Office Hour: 15:05-17:00 on Thursday Email: kmoriアットマークjiu.ac.jp Yuichi Niikura, PhD. Room: K210 (Togane campus) Office Hour: 15:05-17:00 on Monday and Wednesday Email: yniikuraアットマークjiu.ac.jp Tomohito Kakegawa. PhD. Room: K202 (Togane campus) Office Hour: 12:45-15:00 on Monday and Thursday Email: tomohitoアットマークjiu.ac.jp Carmen Saito, MS. Room: K208 (Togane campus) Office Hour: 9:05-11:00 am on Tuesday and Thursday Email: csaitoアットマークjiu.ac.jp 科目ナンバリング