![]() Teacher name : Mico Poonoosamy
French III
semester not specified
Mico Poonoosamy
Togane Campus
Quarter 1 French III Syllabus
Quarter 1 French III: 13 face-to-face classes and 13 on-demand classes. Class meets on Monday and Wednesday Period 3. Goal and theme of the class At the end of the course, students should be able to: Reinforce the knowledge of Year 1 Express themselves orally and in writing on the topics beyond their personal world and understand temporal nuances in terms of facts, forecasts and possibilities. Develop an appreciation of the history of France, French people`s lifestyle, habits, ways of being and make comparisons with their own cultures. 授業の概要
Overview of the class
Students should be able to comprehend and respond with increasing proficiency to spoken and written French, demonstrate nuanced cultural awareness and develop an appreciation of the relevance of critical thinking in French. There will be 13 face-to-face lessons and 13 on-demand lessons. It is important that students complete the set tasks for each on-demand lesson. As a guideline for the Quarter 1 system Spring 2022, elements of Unit 4 of Spirale that were completed the previous year must be reviewed (Unit 4, p. 60 to 64) and Units 5 and 6 will be completed (lessons 13-20 - p. 72 to 91). Assessment: Writing Test 1: 10% Writing Test 2: 10% Writing Test 3: 10% Speaking Test 1: 10% Speaking Test 2: 10% Speaking Test 3: 10% Final Report: 10% Manaba work: 20% Class participation: 10% Total: 100% Assessment Break down 3 Writing Tests of 10% each 3 Speaking Tests of for 10% each 1 Final Report counting for 10%, Manaba Homework: 20% (26 Manaba tasks (0.75 pt for each task)) Homework and participation: 10% Assessment timeline Lesson 9: Writing Test 1, Speaking Test 1 Lesson 19: Writing Test 2, Speaking Test 2 Lesson 23: Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3 Lesson 26: Final report Manaba homework: ongoing and weekly Class participation: ongoing and weekly 授業計画
Reintroduction to the resources and textbook Spirale.
Elements of Unit 4 of Spirale that were completed the previous year must be revised (Unit 4, p. 60 to 64). Units 5 and 6 will be completed (lessons 13-21 - p. 72 to 91). Getting to know the students, student names, numbers and class lists. Explanation of course outline, resources, learning expectations and outcomes, assessment items, ownership of learning. Identification of students` existing proficiency level and prior knowledge in all learning strands (speaking, listening, reading and writing). Classwork: Read pages 6,7,8,9 (Contents of Units 5 and 6) Class and Homework: Spirale: Unit 4, pages 60-61 (What activities do you do? Use of simple sentences in present and past tenses 事前学習
Lesson 1: face to face
Preview: Read the syllabus and Pages 60 to 64 of Spirale. 事後学習
Review the past tense and the auxiliaries AVOIR and ETRE
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 1 2回
Read Spirale pages 62 and 63: Talking about habits and the interview of a football player.
Lesson 2: on demand
Review Lesson 1 PPT on Manaba and pages 60 and 61 of Spirale. 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 2
Preview Lesson 3 PPT on Manaba 3回
Read Spirale pages 64 and 65 (Lesson 12 Past simple tense – What did you do? and talking about the family)
Lesson 3: face to face
Review of Lesson 2 and Manaba Quiz Set 2 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Read Spirale pages 64 and 65 (Lesson 12 Past simple tense – What did you do? and talking about the family)
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 3 4回
Read Spirale pages 65 and 66: Narrate past events.
Lesson 4: on demand
Review Lesson 3 PPT on Manaba and pages 64 and 65 of Spirale. 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 4
Preview Lesson 5 PPT on Manaba 5回
Activities around a series of videos where people narrate their acttivites using past tense
Lesson 5: face to face
Narration of past events 事後学習
Read Spirale pages 67 and 68 – Julien and Zora chat online and what are your plans this weekend.
Lesson 6: on demand
Review Lesson 5 PPT on Manaba and pages 64 and 65 of Spirale. 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 6
Read Spirale pages 69 and 70: Ask and tell the time and where are you going this weekend
Lesson 7: face to face
Review Lesson 6 PPT on Manaba and pages 67 and 68 of Spirale. 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 7
Preview Lesson 8 PPT on Manaba 8回
Read Spirale pages 71 and 72: Going to the market and free Saturday night?
Lesson 8: on demand
Review Lesson 7 PPT on Manaba and pages 69 and 70 of Spirale. 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 8
Prepare Writing Test 1, Speaking Test 1 9回
Writing Test 1, Speaking Test 1
Lesson 9: face to face
Prepare for Writing Test 1, Speaking Test 1 事後学習
Review of Writing Test 1, Speaking Test 1
Review Lesson 8 PPT on Manaba and pages 69 and 70 of Spirale. 10回
Read Spirale pages 72 and 73: Free Saturday night and suggest an activity.
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 10 事前学習
Lesson 10: on demand
Review Lesson 8 PPT on Manaba and pages 69 and 70 of Spirale. 事後学習
Preview Lesson 11 PPT on Manaba
Read Spirale pages 74 and 75: Suggest an activity and discuss where to meet
Lesson 11: face to face
Review of Lesson 10 and Manaba Quiz Set 10 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 11
Read Spirale pages 76 and 77: Where do they go there? Situate an event in time and space.
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 12 事前学習
Lesson 12: on demand
Review Lesson 11 PPT on Manaba and pages 74 and 75 of Spirale. 事後学習
Preview Lesson 13 PPT on Manaba
Prepare for Writing test 3 and speaking test 3 13回
Mid quarter self-reflection (am I meeting the learning expectations? How am I doing so far?
Lesson 13: face to face
Review of Lesson 12 and Manaba Quiz Set 10 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 13
Read Spirale pages 78 and 79: Express reasons why one would do something and the leisure of French people
Lesson 14: on demand
Review Lesson 13 PPT on Manaba and pages 76 and 77 of Spirale 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 14
Preview Lesson 15 PPT on Manaba 15回
Read Spirale pages 80 and 81: Daily routine. Describe how one spent the day using the past tense.
Lesson 15: Face to face
Review of Lesson 14 and Manaba Quiz Set 14 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 15
Read Spirale pages 82 and 83: To express surprise and disbelief, Sunday night at the Leroy family.
Lesson 16: on demand
Review Lesson 15 PPT on Manaba and pages 80 and 81 of Spirale 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 16
Preview Lesson 17 PPT on Manaba 17回
Read Spirale page 84: Daily routine.
Lesson 17: face to face
Review of Lesson 16 and Manaba Quiz Set 16 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 17
Read Spirale Page 85: Ask for a piece of information.
Lesson 18: on demand
Review Lesson 16 PPT on Manaba and page 84 of Spirale. 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 18
Prepare for Writing Test 2, Speaking Test 2 19回
Writing Test 2, Speaking Test 2
Lesson 19: face to face
Preview of Writing Test 2, Speaking Test 2 事後学習
Review of Writing Test 2, Speaking Test 2
Read Spirale page 86: To tell origin and destination.
Lesson 20: on demand
Review of Lesson 17 PPT 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 20
Preview Lesson 21 PPT on Manaba 21回
Read Spirale page 87: Julien returns to France.
Lesson 21: face to face
Review of Lesson 20 and Manaba Quiz Set 20 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 21
Read Spirale page 90: Make a reservation and tell the mode of payment.
Lesson 22: on demand
Review of Lesson 21 PPT 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 22
Preview Lesson 23 PPT on Manaba Prepare for Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3 23回目
Read Spirale page 91: Your ticket, please.
Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3 事前学習
Lesson 23: face to face
Review of Lesson 22 and Manaba Quiz Set 22 (teacher will discuss the answers and general common mistakes of students). 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 23
Assign Final Report 24回
Read Spirale page 92: How is the weather going to be like this weekend?
Lesson 24: on demand
Review of Lesson 23 PPT 事後学習
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 23
Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3
Lesson 25: face to face
Preview of Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3 事後学習
Review of Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3
Read Spirale page 93: Talk about future events and express a condition
Homework/review: Complete Manaba Quiz Set 25 事前学習
Lesson 26: on demand
Review of Lesson 24 PPT 事後学習
Review Lesson 26 PPT on Manaba
Submit Final Report 試験及び成績評価
Students not meeting the minimum of 70% attendance grade will get a Z.
Students need to score 60% or more to pass the course. This course is based on a system of continuous assessment. Students will have to submit a Final Report at the end of the course. There is no exam for this course. Assessment Writing Test 1: 10% Writing Test 2: 10% Writing Test 3: 10% Speaking Test 1: 10% Speaking Test 2: 10% Speaking Test 3: 10% Final Report: 10% Manaba work: 20% Class participation: 10% Total: 100% Assessment Break down 3 Writing Tests of 10% each 3 Speaking Tests of for 10% each 1 Final Report counting for 10%, Manaba Homework: 20% (26 Manaba tasks (0.75 pt for each task)) Homework and participation: 10% Assessment timeline: Lesson 9: Writing Test 1, Speaking Test 1 Lesson 19: Writing Test 2, Speaking Test 2 Lesson 23: Writing Test 3, Speaking Test 3 Lesson 26: Final report Manaba homework: ongoing and weekly Class participation: ongoing and weekly Should a student get a F at the end of the course, there may be a chance to pass the course in the form of a written work as make-up report at a time decided by the teacher. 課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバック
Feedback on student performance is given on a weekly basis right after the presentations and discussions, or on the next class meeting after the assignment due date. You can also talk to your teachers individually if you want more detailed feedback or are concerned about your work or class performance.
Spirale Nouvelle edition (新スピラル - 日本人初心者のためのフランス語教材) (Editions Hachette)
GAEL CREPIEUX and Philippe Callens (collaborators: Tomoko Takase and Jun Negishi)
Editions Hachette
Web reference: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/Gaël-Crépieux/dp/2014015813
1) French conjugation reference: http://la-conjugaison.nouvelobs.com
2) French Interactive: http://www.laits.utexas.edu/fi/home 3) The French alphabet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zw8LXdFuTqQ 4) The French sounds: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tU2cZxKknEw 5) Brief course intro Online French IA Togane 2022 Mon P1&2 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjIxZfbA_RU 6) PPT Online learning French Togane 2022 Mon P1&2 Wk1 (Dr MK Poonoosamy) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VMdz3q5Hf6U 7) Teacher resources as the semester progresses 研究室
Please ask your teachers for details of their office hours in the first class meeting.