![]() Teacher name : Mico Poonoosamy
Oral Fluency IV
semester not specified
Tricia Fermin,Mico Poonoosamy
Togane Campus
Oral Fluency IV aims to improve students’ academic listening and discussion skills by expanding their vocabulary and having them engage with a broad range of authentic listening materials in English. Students will develop the knowledge to focus on essential information in different forms of oral communication (e.g., lectures, interviews, presentations, reports) while taking notes. The assigned listening comprehension and fluency exercises throughout the course will aid the students in thinking critically about relevant topics in various fields of specialization (i.e. Sociology, Nutritional Science, Psychology, Marketing, Behavioral Science and Philosophy), as well as express and present original ideas in a clear and logical manner.
This course is appropriate for English level B1 students in the Common European Framework of References (CEFR), who wish to prepare for university-level academic classes conducted entirely in English. Special focus will be given to improving students’ listening skills and oral communication skills for academic purposes. Throughout this course, students be asked to perform various intermediate-level oral communication tasks, such as giving a short talk, conducting a survey, reporting the results of a study, and group discussions. Students are responsible for completing all assigned listening tasks and comprehension exercises before class meetings, so that more time can be devoted to discussing the content of the assigned materials, as well as practicing oral fluency strategies.
Course orientation: explanation of the course, textbook, class activities, requirements, and grading details
Unit 1-1 (Sociology) - Are first impressions accurate? a. Thinking about the topic (pp.2-4) b. Note-taking skill: Using notes to summarize a lecture (pp.5-6) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 1 topic and vocabulary
a. Homework: Manaba Task 1.1
b. Review: Unit 1 topic and note-taking skill 2回
Unit 1-2 (Sociology) - Are first impressions accurate?
a. Listening 1: The Psychology of First Impressions b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.7-9) c. Making Inferences (p.11) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 1 Listening 1; Listening skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 1.2
b. Review: Unit 1 Listening 1; Listening skill 3回
Unit 1-3 (Sociology) - Are first impressions accurate?
a. Listening 2: Book Review of Blink by Malcolm Gladwell b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.12-16) c. Vocabulary Skill: Suffixes to identify parts of speech (p.17) d. Speaking Skill: Taking Conversational Turns (p.22) Unit 1 Speaking Assignment Preparation: Give a short talk (p.23-24) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 1 Listening 2; Vocabulary and speaking skills
a. Homework: Manaba Task 1.3 + Prepare for Unit 1 Speaking Assignment
b. Review: Unit 1 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Listening skills 4回
Unit 1 Speaking Assignment - Give a short talk about a first impression + Presentation feedback
Unit 2-1 (Nutritional Science) - What’s more important: taste or nutrition? a. Thinking about the topic (pp.26-28) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 2 topic
a. Homework: Manaba Task 2.1: Listening 1 + Unit 1 Written Assignment
b. Review: Unit 2 topic 5回
Unit 2-2 (Nutritional Science) - What’s more important: taste or nutrition?
a. Listening 1: You Are What You Eat b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.31-33) c. Listening and Note-taking Skill: Causes and effects (pp.33-36) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 2 Listening 1; Listening and Note-taking skills
a. Homework: Manaba Task 2-2
b. Review: Unit 2 Listening 1; Listening and Note-taking skills 6回
Unit 2-3 (Nutritional Science) - What’s more important: taste or nutrition?
a. Listening 2: Food Tasters b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.36-40) c. Vocabulary Skill: Adjective-noun collocation (p.42) d. Quantifiers (p.44-46) and Pronunciation: Links with /j/ and /w/ (p.45) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 2 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Speaking skills
a. Homework: Manaba Task 2.3
b. Review: Unit 2 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Speaking skills 7回目
Unit 2-3 (Nutritional Science) - What’s more important: taste and nutrition?
- Speaking Skill: Giving advice (p.46) Unit 2 Speaking Assignment Preparation: Conduct a class survey (pp.47-50) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 2 Speaking skill; Conducting a class survey
a. Homework: Manaba Task 3.1 + Prepare for Unit 2 Speaking Assignment
b. Review: Unit 2 Speaking skill 8回
Unit 2 Speaking Assignment - Conduct a class survey + Feedback on survey process and reports
Unit 3-1 (Psychology) - Is change good or bad? a. Thinking about the topic (pp.52-54) b. Note-taking Skill: Taking notes on advantages and disadvantages (p.55) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 3 topic and note-taking skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 3.2 + Unit 2 Written Assignment
b. Review: Unit 3 topic and note-taking skill 9回
Unit 3-2 (Psychology) - Is change good or bad?
a. Listening 1: Changing Expectations b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.56-59) c. Listening Skill: Listening for time markers (p.60) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 3 Listening 1; Listening skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 3.3
b. Review: Unit 3 Listening 1; Listening skill 10回
Unit 3-3 (Psychology) - Is change good or bad?
a. Listening 2: An Interview with Barbara Ehenreich b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.61-65) c. Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary (pp.66-67) d. Tag questions and intonation in tag questions (pp.68-70) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 3 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Speaking skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 3.4
b. Review: Unit 3 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Speaking skills 11回
Unit 3-3 (Psychology) - Is change good or bad?
- Speaking Skill: Asking for and giving reasons (pp.71-72) Unit 3 Speaking Assignment Preparation: Taking part in a group discussion (pp.72-73) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 3 Speaking skill; Take part in a group discussion
Homework: Prepare for Unit 3 Speaking Assignment (Take part in a group discussion)
Unit 3 Speaking Assignment - Take part in a group discussion
a. Feedback on graded group discussion b. Preparation for Midterm Oral Communication Activity 事前学習
Preview: Midterm (F1) Report questions
a. Prepare for Midterm Oral Communication Activity
b. Finish Midterm (F1) Report 13回
Midterm Oral Communication Activity
Midterm (F1) Report Submission 事前学習
Review: Strategies learned in the first half of the course
Review of strategies learned in the first half of the course
Unit 4-1 (Marketing) - How can advertisers change our behavior? a. Thinking about the topic (pp.76-78) b. Listening 1: Advertising Techniques (pp.79-81) c. Listening Skill: Identifying fact and opinion (pp.82-83) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 4 topic and vocabulary
a. Homework: Manaba Task 4.1
b. Review: Unit 4 Listening 1 vocabulary and content 15回
Unit 4-2 (Marketing) - How can advertisers change our behavior?
a. Listening 2: Advertising Ethics and Standards b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.83-88) c. Vocabulary Skill: Context clues to identify meaning (pp.88-89) d. Speaking Skills: Intonation in questions; Giving and supporting your opinions (p.91-94) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 4 Listening 2; Vocabulary and speaking skills
a. Homework: Manaba Task 4.2
b. Review: Unit 4 Listening 2; Vocabulary and speaking skills 16回
Unit 4-3 (Marketing) - How can advertisers change our behavior?
- Note-taking Skill: Using a mind map to note opinions (pp.94-95) Prepare for Unit 4 Speaking Assignment: Take part in a group discussion (p.96-98) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 4 Note-taking skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 5.1 + Prepare for Unit 4 Speaking Assignment
b. Review: Unit 4 Note-taking skills 17回
Unit 4 Speaking Assignment - Take part in a group discussion + Presentation feedback
Unit 5-1 (Behavioral Science) - What risks are good to take? a. Thinking about the topic (pp.100-102) b. Note-taking Skill: Separating risks and outcomes using a chart (pp.103-104) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 5 Listening 1 topic
a. Homework: Manaba Task 5.2 + Unit 4 Written Assignment
b. Review: Unit 5 Listening 1 topic 18回
Unit 5-2 (Behavioral Science) - What risks are good to take?
a. Listening 1: Write Your Own Success Story b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.105-109) c. Listening Skill: Cardinal and ordinal numbers (pp.109-111) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 5 Listening 1 and Listening skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 5.3
b. Review: Unit 5 Listening 1 and Listening skill 19回
Unit 5-3 (Behavioral Science) - What risks are good to take?
a. Listening 2: Science on the Edge b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.111-115) c. Vocabulary Skill: Word families (p.115-116) d. Past perfect and contraction of had (pp.117-120) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 5 Listening 2
a. Homework: Manaba Task 5.4
b. Review: Unit 5 Listening 2; Vocabulary and speaking skill 20回
Unit 5-4 (Behavioral Science) - What risks are good to take?
- Speaking Skill: Giving a presentation (pp.120-121) Unit 5 Speaking Assignment Preparation (pp.122-124) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 5 Speaking skill; Giving a presentation
a. Homework: Prepare for Unit 5 Speaking Assignment
b. Review: Unit 5 Speaking Skill; Giving a Presentation 21回
Unit 6 Speaking Assignment - Give a short presentation + Presentation feedback
Unit 6-1 (Philosophy) - Are we responsible for the world we live in? - Thinking about the topic (pp.126-128) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 6 Listening 1 topic
a. Homework: Manaba Task 6.1
b. Review: Unit 6 Listening 1 topic 22回
Unit 6-2 (Philosophy) - Are we responsible for the world we live in?
a. Listening 1: Corporate Social Responsibility b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.129-133) c. Listening Skill: Inferring a speaker’s attitude (pp.133) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 6 Listening 1 and Listening skill
a. Homework: Manaba Task 6.2
b. Review: Unit 6 Listening 1 and Listening skill 23回目
Unit 6-3 (Philosophy) - Are we responsible for the world we live in?
a. Listening 2: Personal Responsibility b. Review of Listening Task + Discussion (pp.134-137) c. Vocabulary Skill: Using the dictionary (pp.137-138) d. Speaking Skill: Stress on important words (pp.141) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 6 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Speaking skills
a. Homework: Manaba Task 6.3
b. Review: Unit 6 Listening 2; Vocabulary and Speaking skill 24回
Unit 3-3 (Psychology) - Is change good or bad?
a. Speaking Skill: Leading a group discussion (pp.142-143) b. Note-taking Skill: Building an outline to take notes on a discussion (pp.144-145) Preparation for Unit 3 Speaking Assignment: Take part in a group discussion (pp.146-148) 事前学習
Preview: Unit 6 Speaking Skill
a. Homework: Prepare for Unit 6 Speaking Assignment
b. Review: Leading a group discussion 25回
Lesson: Unit Assignment 6 - Leading a group discussion + Feedback on graded group discussion
Preparation for Final Oral Communication Activity Reminders about the Final Report 事前学習
Preview: Final (F2) Report questions
Homework: Prepare for Final Oral Communication Activity + Finish Final (F2) Report
Final Oral Communication Activity
Final (F2) Report Submission 事前学習
Review: Pointers for the Final Oral Communication Activity
Students will be assessed on an ongoing basis based on the following criteria:
FOR F1 (THIRD QUARTER, SESSIONS 1 TO 13): 3 Unit Speaking Assignments (3x15%) 45% 3 Unit Written Assignments (2x5%) 10% Class Participation and Manaba Homework 15% Midterm Oral Communication Activity 15% Midterm (F1) Report 15% FOR F2 (FOURTH QUARTER, SESSIONS 14-26) 3 Unit Speaking Assignments (3x15%) 45% 3 Unit Written Assignments (2x5%) 10% Class Participation and Manaba Homework 15% Final Oral Communication Activity 15% Final (F2) Report 15% 課題(試験やレポート等)に対するフィードバック
Feedback on student performance is given on a weekly basis right after the presentations and discussions, or on the next class meeting after the assignment due date. You can also talk to your teachers individually if you want more detailed feedback or are concerned about your work or class performance.
Q: Skills for Success Listening and Speaking 3, 3rd Edition
Miles Craven, Kristin Donnalley, Larry Zwier
Oxford University Press
1. Students should have their own paper or electronic dictionary. Online dictionaries and smartphone apps are not allowed.
2. Downloadable audio and practice materials are available from the following link (access code necessary): www.iQOnlinePractice.com 研究室
Tricia Fermin: A棟310号室
Mico Poonoosamy: F棟214号室 オフィスアワー
Please ask your teachers for details of their office hours in the first class meeting.