Presented on the results of a survey given to 79 pharmacy students. Survey items asked students' opinions of studying English, future implications that English may have on their chosen professions, and what English skills and functions they felt were important for careers in pharmaceutical work. Conclusions from the survey:
• A majority enjoy studying English and feel a sense of self-confidence from studying.
• Differing priorities and a taxing schedule may be responsible for the high number of students who say they do not study English every day.
• English does not seem to be boring or stressful for students, and while it may be difficult, it does not hinder their enjoyment of it.
• Even if it was not a required course, there would still be some demand for English education.
• Perceptions about English needs could possibly be shaped by their compulsory and tertiary education.
• Students do not seem to be aware of the growing importance of English in the Japanese workplace.
• Speaking and writing skills are not considered as valuable as reading and writing.
• Based on the results, it seems that students don’t expect to be involved with research or professional development after getting a job.