Basic information
Name |
Saori Anzai |
Belonging department |
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Researcher Basic Information
Work Situation After Establishment of College |
Academic Society and Social Activity |
Teacher Examination Outcome |
Researcher Activity Information
Subjective Difficulty with Higher-Level Functional Capacity in Community-Dwelling Older People withMild Cognitive Impairment./Yoshitaka Shiba , Saori Anzai , Takuya Ueda , Naoki Sasa , Tetsuya Yamagami , Yoshitsugu Omori/Joint Author/Fukushima journal of medical science/2024/10
軽度認知機能障害の認知度と認知症発症予防に関わる健康行動の関連 大杉 紘徳 , 安齋 紗保理 , 柴 喜崇 共著 日本早期認知症学会誌 2024/09
Characteristics of Nighttime Sleep and Daytime Sleepiness in Community-Dwelling People with Aging-Associated Cognitive Decline./Yoshitsugu Omori , Hitomi Tanaka , Tauya Ueda , Tetsuya Yamagami , Saori Anzai , Yoshitaka Shiba/Joint Author/Japanese Journal of Community-based Comprehensive Physical Therapy/2024/04
Association between the Kihon Checklist and Working Status among Young-Old Citizens: A Cross-Sectional Study./Hironori Ohsugi , Saori Anzai , Yoshitaka Shiba/Joint Author/Geriatrics/2024/08
Factors associated with social participation among community-dwelling frail older adults in Japan: a cross-sectional study./Saori Anzai , Hironori Ohsugi , Yoshitaka Shiba/Joint Author/BMC geriatrics/2024/03
Differences in the Timed Up and Go Test under different measurement conditions in young healthy adults./Hironori Ohsugi , Yasushi Kurihara , Saori Anzai , Yutaka Kuwae , Katsuyuki Madoba/Journal of physical therapy science/2023/11
Relationship between Cognitive Decline and Daily Life Gait among Elderly People Living in the Community: A Preliminary Report./Tetsuya Yamagami , Motoi Yagi , Shigeya Tanaka , Saori Anzai , Takuya Ueda , Yoshitsugu Omori , Chika Tanaka , Yoshitaka Shiba/Joint Author/Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra/2023/03
Academic contribution(Includes fieldwork) |
Competitive research funds |