Researcher Information
Researcher Basic Information
Researcher Information
Academic Background
Current Work Situation
Work Situation After Establishment of College
Academic Society and Social Activity
Teacher Examination Outcome
Researcher Activity Information
Field of Research
Research Keyword
Committee Career
Teaching Experiences
Academic Thesis
Media Coverage
Academic contribution(Includes fieldwork)
Competitive research funds
Social Contribution
Basic information
Komatsu Goro
Belonging department
Occupation name
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency
Researcher Basic Information
Researcher Information
Academic Background
2017/04/2020/03/Kyushu University/Graduate School of Economics/Ph.D (Economics)
2015/04 2017/03 九州大学大学院 経済学府 経済工学専攻 修士 (経済学)
2000/09 2001/08 University of California, Santa Cruz
1997/04/2003/03/Sophia University/Faculty of Foreign Studies/English Language Department/BA (Foreign Studies)
2020/04 2021/03 九州大学 大学院経済学研究院経済工学部門経済システム解析講座 その他 助教
2020/04 2021/03 福岡工業大学 その他 非常勤講師
2020/04 2021/03 西日本短期大学 その他 非常勤講師
Current Work Situation
城西国際大学/Associate Professor/国際アドミニストレーション研究科
Work Situation After Establishment of College
Academic Society and Social Activity
2017/12 九州経済学会
2018/04 日本経済学会
2018/12 Western Economic Association International (WEAI)
Teacher Examination Outcome
Researcher Activity Information
Field of Research
Humanities & Social Sciences/Economic policy
Research Keyword
Dynamic Stochastic General Equilibrium (DSGE) Models
Monetary Policy
Committee Career
1999/04 上智大学外国語学部英語学科先哲奨学金 授与
2017/10 九州大学大学院博士後期課程奨学金 授与
2020/03 九州大学 博士総代
Teaching Experiences
Data Science/Josai International University
Statistics/Josai International University
Macroeconomics/Josai International University
Business Economics/Josai International University
Business Administration and Economics/Josai International University
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Data Science/Josai International University
Data Science I/Josai International University
Statistics/Josai International University
Macroeconomics/Josai International University
Business Administration and Economics/Josai International University
Seminar IB/Josai International University
Seminar IA/Josai International University
International Administration Seminar with academic advisor IB/Josai International University
International Administration Seminar with academic advisor IA/Josai International University
Seminar on Master's Theses I/Josai International University
Seminar on Master's Theses II/Josai International University
Basic Seminar in Economic Engineering/Kyushu University
Understanding Macroeconomics/Kyushu University
Public Finance/Nishi-Nippon Junior College
Introduction to Economics/Fukuoka Institute of Technology
Principles of Economics a/Josai International University
Principles of Microeconomics/Josai International University
Career Development/Josai International University
Career Development/Josai International University
Business Career Ib/Josai International University
Business Career Ia/Josai International University
Academic Skills/Josai International University
Academic Practice/Josai International University
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Academic Thesis
外出自粛状況における棚田地域来訪者とその特性:COVID-19影響下の宮崎県日南市坂元棚田と道の駅酒谷の人流データによる比較を事例に 楠戸 建, 國井 大輔, 小松 悟朗, 片渕 結矢 共著 農村計画学会論文集 2025/03
Is the Dual Mandate Achievable? 単著 The Keizan Ronkyu, 166, pp.11-45. 2020/03
Unemployment, Financial Frictions, and DSGE Models: A Survey 単著 The Keizan Ronkyu, 165, pp.51-79. 2019/11
Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan 単著 The Annual Report of Economic Science, 56, pp.85-89. 2018/12
ナイトタイム観光データサイエンス ナイトタイム観光サーティフィケイトプログラム開発に向けた講座 2025/03/02
スポーツとデータサイエンス 第5回 国際大学フォーラム 2025/02/14
第2回 観光ビジネスアイデアコンテスト 国際大学間の未来ネットワーク (CoIN) 2024/12/03
外出自粛前後における棚田地域来訪者とその特性の変化 農村計画学会 2023年度秋期大会開催案内 2023/12/09
第1回 観光ビジネスアイデアコンテスト 国際大学間の未来ネットワーク (CoIN) 2023/12/04
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教育機関に求められる多言語発信のあり方とは GLOBALIZED 大学国際化 カンファレンス 2023/11/02
Japanese Economy and Secular Stagnation/Multi-Disciplinary Seminar on Contemporary Japan/2022/11/16
Multi-Disciplinary Seminar on Contemporary Japan (Cohost)/2022/11/16
第3回 国際大学フォーラム 国際大学間の未来ネットワーク (CoIN) 2022/03/03
Invited Lecture on DSGE Model 2022/01/11 Research Workshop at Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University
Invited Lecture on DSGE Model 2020/11/24 Research Workshop at Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University
Unemployment, Financial Frictions, the Crisis, and the Slow Recovery Japanese Economic Association 2019 Autumn Meeting, Kobe, Japan. 2019/10/13
Unemployment, the Output Gap, and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan 15th International Conference at Western Economic Association International, Tokyo, Japan. 2019/03/24
Unemployment, Financial Frictions, the Crisis, and the Slow Recovery 2018 Annual Meeting of Kyushu Association of Economic Science, Shimonoseki, Japan. 2018/12/02
Unemployment Fluctuations and Sustainable Economic Growth: A Quantitative DSGE Model for Japan World Social Science Forum 2018, Fukuoka, Japan. 2018/09/25
Unemployment, the Output Gap, and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan Japanese Economic Association 2018 Autumn Meeting, Tokyo, Japan 2018/09/04
Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan 2017 Annual Meeting of Kyushu Association of Economic Science, Kurume, Japan. 2017/12/12
Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan International Seminar at National Taiwan University 2017/06/26 National Taiwan University
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Media Coverage
2025/02/14/5th CoIN Forum
2025/01/31/Nighttime Tourism Certificate Program
2025/01/31/Nighttime Tourism Certificate Program
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Wovn Technologies株式会社 GLOBALIZED 大学国際化 カンファレンス 教育機関に求められる多言語発信のあり方とは
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Academic contribution(Includes fieldwork)
Competitive research funds
私立大学等経常費補助金 (数理・データサイエンス・AI教育の充実) 2025/02/01 2025/03/31
東京都「観光経営人材育成事業」(2024-2026年度) 2024/10/01 2026/03/31
動学的確率的一般均衡モデルによる長期停滞下における現金給付モデルの開発と政策分析 科研費 (若手研究(S)) 2021/04/01 2025/03/31
動学的確率的一般均衡モデルによる長期停滞ヒステリシスモデルの開発と政策分析 科研費 (若手研究(スタートアップ)) 2020/09/11 2025/03/31
東京都「都民の観光振興への理解促進事業」 2022/08/01 2023/03/31
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東京都「観光経営人材育成事業」(2021年度) 2019/04/01 2022/03/31
観光分野のデータサイエンス活用に関する研究 城西国際大学学長所管研究費 2022/04/01 2023/03/31
Unemployment, the Output Gap, and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan
Unemployment, Financial Frictions, the Crisis, and the Slow Recovery
Unemployment, Financial Frictions, the Crisis, and the Slow Recovery
失業、金融市場の摩擦、および金融政策に関する研究 九州大学大学院
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Social Contribution
2016/04/01 2020/03/31 国際協力機構(JICA) 国際協力機構(JICA) ABEプログラム大学院留学生 英語修士論文サポート