氏名 |
小松 悟朗 |
氏名(カナ) |
コマツ ゴロウ |
氏名(英語) |
Komatsu Goro |
所属 |
大学院 国際アドミニストレーション研究科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- 外出自粛状況における棚田地域来訪者とその特性:COVID-19影響下の宮崎県日南市坂元棚田と道の駅酒谷の人流データによる比較を事例に 楠戸 建, 國井 大輔, 小松 悟朗, 片渕 結矢 共著 農村計画学会論文集 2025/03
- Is the Dual Mandate Achievable? 単著 The Keizan Ronkyu, 166, pp.11-45. 2020/03
- Unemployment, Financial Frictions, and DSGE Models: A Survey 単著 The Keizan Ronkyu, 165, pp.51-79. 2019/11
- Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan 単著 The Annual Report of Economic Science, 56, pp.85-89. 2018/12
- 教育機関に求められる多言語発信のあり方とは GLOBALIZED 大学国際化 カンファレンス 2023/11/02
- Japanese Economy and Secular Stagnation/Multi-Disciplinary Seminar on Contemporary Japan/2022/11/16
- Multi-Disciplinary Seminar on Contemporary Japan (Cohost)/2022/11/16
- 第3回 国際大学フォーラム 国際大学間の未来ネットワーク (CoIN) 2022/03/03
- Invited Lecture on DSGE Model 2022/01/11 Research Workshop at Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University
- Invited Lecture on DSGE Model 2020/11/24 Research Workshop at Graduate School of Economics, Kyushu University
- Unemployment, Financial Frictions, the Crisis, and the Slow Recovery Japanese Economic Association 2019 Autumn Meeting, Kobe, Japan. 2019/10/13
- Unemployment, the Output Gap, and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan 15th International Conference at Western Economic Association International, Tokyo, Japan. 2019/03/24
- Unemployment, Financial Frictions, the Crisis, and the Slow Recovery 2018 Annual Meeting of Kyushu Association of Economic Science, Shimonoseki, Japan. 2018/12/02
- Unemployment Fluctuations and Sustainable Economic Growth: A Quantitative DSGE Model for Japan World Social Science Forum 2018, Fukuoka, Japan. 2018/09/25
- Unemployment, the Output Gap, and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan Japanese Economic Association 2018 Autumn Meeting, Tokyo, Japan 2018/09/04
- Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan 2017 Annual Meeting of Kyushu Association of Economic Science, Kurume, Japan. 2017/12/12
- Unemployment and Monetary Policy in Japan: An Estimated DSGE Model in Japan International Seminar at National Taiwan University 2017/06/26 National Taiwan University