Researcher Information
Researcher Basic Information
Researcher Information
Academic Background
Current Work Situation
Work Situation After Establishment of College
Academic Society and Social Activity
Teacher Examination Outcome
Researcher Activity Information
Field of Research
Research Keyword
Committee Career
Teaching Experiences
Academic Thesis
Media Coverage
Academic contribution(Includes fieldwork)
Competitive research funds
Social Contribution
Basic information
SUZUKI Kazunori
Belonging department
Occupation name
researchmap researcher code
researchmap agency
Researcher Basic Information
Researcher Information
Suzuki/Kazunori/スズキ/カズノリ/Full-Time Teacher
Academic Background
2016/04/2021/03/Tokyo Institute of Technology/Graduate School of Environment and Society/Department of Social and Human Sciences(Doctoral Course)
2015/04/2016/03/Bunkyo University/Graduate School of Language and Culture (Doctoral Course)
2013/04/2015/03/Bunkyo University/Graduate School of Language and Culture (Research Student)
2011/04/2013/03/Bunkyo University/Graduate School of Language and Culture (Master's Course)/M.A. in Literature
2007/04/2011/03/Bunkyo University/Faculty of Language and Literature/Department of English Language and Literature/B.A. in Literature
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2004/04/2007/03/Saitama Prefectural Koshigaya Minami High School
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2023/04/Josai International University/Faculty of International Humanities, Department of International Exchange Studies/Assistant Professor
2023/04/Josai International University/Graduate School of Humanities, Global Communication Program/Assistant Professor
2019/10/2024/03/Bunkyo University/Faculty of Language and Literature/Part-Time Lecturer
2022/04/2023/03/Chuo University/Faculty of Letters/Part-Time Lecturer
2022/04/2023/03/Kogakuin University/Center for Promotion of Higher Education, Division of Global and Carrier Education/Part-Time Lecturer
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2021/04/2022/03/Kogakuin University/Educational Development Center/Project Assistant Professor
2020/04/2021/03/Kogakuin University/Center for Promotion of Higher Education, Division of Global and Carrier Education/Part-Time Lecturer
2018/04/2023/03/Komazawa Women's University/Faculty of Humanities/Part-Time Lecturer
2014/08/2015/05/Vassar College (New York, USA)/Chinese and Japanese Department/Japanese Language Fellow
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Current Work Situation
城西国際大学/助教/国際人文学部 国際交流学科/大学院人文科学研究科 グローバルコミュニケーション専攻
Work Situation After Establishment of College
Academic Society and Social Activity
2011/04/The Japan Second Language Accosiation (J-SLA)
2015/01/The Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS)
2021/04/The Society for Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language
2012/04/Japanese Association of Second Language Acquisition (JASLA)
2021/04/Japanese Language Education Methods (JLEM)
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2016/04/Association of Japanese Language Teaching for Chinese Speakers
2016/04/Association of Japanese Language and Japanese Language Teaching
2023/04/The Association for University Training Program of Japanese Language Teachers
2017/04/The Society of Japanese Grammar (SJG)
2017/04/The Linguistic Society of Japan (LSJ)
2018/04/The Association of Japanese Chinese Contrastive Linguistics
2018/04/The Pan-Pacific Association of Applied Linguistics (PAAL)
2018/01/The European Second Language Association (EuroSLA)
2017/04/The English Linguistic Society of Japan (ELSJ)
2017/04/The Japan Association of English Teaching and English Studies
2016/04/2023/03/Japan Society of English Language Education (JASELE)
2016/04/2023/03/Kantokoshinetsu Association of Teachers of English (KATE)
2014/01/The American Association of Teachers of Japanese (AATJ)
2014/04/2015/03/Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education (CAJLE)
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Teacher Examination Outcome
Researcher Activity Information
Field of Research
Humanities & Social Sciences/Japanese language education/Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Japanese Language Teaching
Research Keyword
Second Language Acquisition, Applied Linguistics, Psycholinguistics, Japanese Language Teaching
Committee Career
2022/04/Association of Japanese Language Teaching for Chinese Speakers/Steering Committee
2023/07/The Society for Language Sciences (JSLS)/Board Member
2015/11/The 40th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development (BUCLD 40)/Paula Menyuk Travel Award/"Cross-linguistic effects in L2 acquisition of causative constructions"
2024/02/Josai International University/Good Practice Award for Class Management and Teaching Materials/"A Class to Develop 'Basic Skills' for Active and Autonomous Learning through Experience and Interaction (Verbal and Non-Verbal Communication)"
Teaching Experiences
Verbal/Nonverbal communication/Josai International University
Introduction to the Study of Japan B/Josai International University
Japanese Semantics and Vocabulary/Josai International University
Japanese Phonetics and Phonology/Josai International University
Teaching Japanese as a Foreign Language : Course Design and Evaluation/Josai International University
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Seminar in Basic Study Skills A/Josai International University
Seminar in Basic Study Skills B/Josai International University
Seminar in International ExchangeI/Josai International University
Seminar in International ExchangeII/Josai International University
Japanese Language Education : (Japanese Language Acquisition)/Graduate School, Josai International University
Global Communication Studies(Second Language Acquisition Theory)/Graduate School, Josai International University
Global Communication Seminar I/Graduate School, Josai International University
Global Communication Seminar II/Graduate School, Josai International University
Global Communication Seminar Ⅲ/Graduate School, Josai International University
Global Communication Seminar Ⅳ/Graduate School, Josai International University
Global Communication Studies (Second Language Acquisition Theory)/Graduate School, Josai International University
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Academic Thesis
Tendency of overuse of “no” in Japanese: An analysis by larners’ first language and part-of-speech using I-JAS/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Chuo University Journal of the Institute of Cultural Sciences/2024/09
Cpmplementizer selection in second language English: A preliminary study/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Transactions in English Studies and English Teaching/2024/03
Possibility of overused “no” in second language Japanese: Analysis by part-of-speech and learners’ first language using I-JAS/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Japanese Language Education Methods/2024/03
Aspects of sentence-ending particles in Japanese: A study using Akutagawa Prize winning novels/Yutong Yang
Kazunori Suzuki/Joint Author/Japanese Language Education Methods/2024/03
The usage of topic noun phrases in storytelling by Chinese learners of Japanese: An analysis using I-JAS/Bailu Wang
Kazunori Suzuki/Joint Author/Japanese Language Education Methods/2024/03
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Implications of learning specialized topics in English: A report on classroom practice of "Learning Psychology in English"/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature, Bunkyo University/2024/03
Acceptability of resumptive pronouns in English relative clauses: Insights from second language learners’ data/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Transactions in English Studies and English Teaching/2023/03
Initiatives for zero-beginner’s level online Japanese language course for graduate school students: A practical report/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Kogakuin University Bulletin/2023/03
Japanese language education focusing on the development of critical thinking skills: Activities for poster presentations in the “Intermediate Japanese” classes/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Kogakuin University Bulletin/2022/10
A note on the possibility of overused "no" in Japanese: The acceptance of "de" in Chinese/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature, Bunkyo University/2022/09
A survey on Kogakuin University students' interests in overseas/Tomomi Yamada
Kazunori Suzuki/Joint Author/Kogakuin University Bulletin/2022/03
Toward a campus that harmonizes with international students: Efforts and prospects of international student supporters at Kogakuin University/Kazunori Suzuki
Mika Watanabe/Joint Author/Kogakuin University Bulletin/2022/03
Applicability of linguistic approaches to second language acquisition research: A preliminary discussion/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Transactions in English Studies and English Teaching/2022/03
Acceptability of Japanese intransitive sentences containing floating numeral quantifiers: An examination of the influence of interfering adjuncts/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/The Journal of the Study of Vocabulary/2022/03
Case particle deletion in Japanese as a second language: A brief review of Kanno (1996) and its applicability/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Bunkyo University Bulletin of the Faculty of Language and Literature/2021/09
Interpretation of floating numeral quantifiers in Japanese intransitive constructions: Data from Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Japanese Language Teaching Research for Chinese Speakers/2020/09
Subject noun realization in English story-telling: A pilot study/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Transactions in English Studies and English Teaching/2020/03
Nominative-Genitive conversion and overgeneration of "no" by Korean-speaking learners of Japanese: An empirical study/Kazunori Suzuki
Junko Yamashita/Joint Author/Acquisition of Japanese as a Second Language/2019/12
Overuse error of “no” in L2 Japanese: A new proposal/Kazunori Suzuki
Jialiang Lu/Joint Author/IEICE Technical Report (Proceedings of MAPLL-TCP-TL 2019)/2019/07
Nominal forms and continuity of subject nouns in story-tellings: A comparative study on Japanese-English bilinguals/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/LEORNIAN: Studies in Languages and Cultures/2019/06
Overuse of “no” among advanced Chinese-speaking learners of Japanese: Analysis based on nominative-genitive conversion/Kazunori Suzuki
Junko Yamashita/Joint Author/Contrastive Studies: Japanese and Chinese/2019/05
Relative clause difficulty in L2 English: A preliminary study/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Transactions in English Studies and English Teaching/2019/03
Voice vs. Cause in L2 English by Japanese speakers/Kazunori Suzuki
Koki Shioda
Makiko Hirakawa/Joint Author/IEICE Technical Report (Proceedings of MAPLL × TCP × TL × TaLK 2018)/2018/07
WA and GA in oral narratives: A study on L2 Japanese and L1 English/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/LEORNIAN: Studies in Languages and Cultures /2018/06
Comprehension and production of Chinese relative clauses by heritage Chinese speakers/Kazunori Suzuki
Makiko Hirakawa
Michiko Fukuda
Yinshi Jiang/Joint Author/IEICE Technical Report (Proceedings of MAPLL-TCP 2017)/2017/07
Comprehension and production of relative clauses in Chinese: An exploratory study by heritage speakers of Chinese/Makiko Hirakawa
Michiko Fukuda
Kazunori Suzuki
Yinshi Jiang/Language and Culture/2017/03
Cross-linguistic effects in L2 acquisition of causative constructions/Kazunori Suzuki
Koki Shioda
Nozomi Kikuchi
Maki Maetsu
Makiko Hirakawa/Joint Author/BUCLD 40 Online Proceedings Supplement/2016/01
A comparative study of narratives in Japanese and English by English-speaking learners of Japanese: Focusing on topic noun phrases/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/Language and Culture/2016/03
Narrative development in L2 Japanese by L1 Chinese and Tagalog speakers: A comparison with native Japanese speakers/Kazunori Suzuki
Akiyo Asano
Makiko Hirakawa/Joint Author/Language and Culture/2015/03
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[Book Review] Otsu, Y. (2022). "Learning English as a Foreign Language: Seven Misunderstandings (Expanded Edition)." Hituzi Shobo./Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/NEWSLETTER: The Japan Association of English Teaching and English Studies/2025/02
[Practical Report] Making nonverbal into verbal: A practical report of “verbal/nonverbal communication” class)/Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/JIU Journal of Japanese Language Teaching/2024/03
[Book Review] Shirai, Y. (2003). Second Language Acquisition: An Introduction for English Language Teachers (Revised Edition). Taishukan./Kazunori Suzuki/Sole Author/NEWSLETTER: The Japan Association of English Teaching and English Studies/2024/01
Second Language Acquisition Monograph Series 3 (T. Shirahata and K. Suda (Eds.))/Kazunori Suzuki/Multiple author/Kurosio Publishers/2019/06/9784874248065
Basic Communication Ⅰ/Ⅱ (Second Edition)/Tomoko Wada
Takayuki Akimoto
Kazunori Suzuki/Multiple author/Seibido/2023/03/9784791946181
Referent management in story writing: A crosslinguistic study/Kazunori Suzuki
Junko Yamashita
Jialiang Lu/The 25th International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2024)/2024/07/14/The Japanese Society for Language Sciences
Non-native speaker knowledge of the Auxiliary Selection Hierarchy for German intransitive verbs/Makiko Hirakawa
Kazunori Suzuki/The 25th Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2024)/2024/07/13/The Japanese Society for Language Sciences
Aspects of Sentence-ending Particles in Japanese: A Study Using Akutagawa Prize Winning Novels/Yutong Yan
Kazunori Suzuki/Japanese Language Education Methods The 62nd Meeting/2024/03/03/Japanese Language Education Methods
The Usage of Topic Noun Phrases in Storytelling by Chinese Learners of Japanese: An Analysis Using I-JAS/Bailu Wang
Kazunori Suzuki/Japanese Language Education Methods The 62nd Meeting/2024/03/03/Japanese Language Education Methods
Possibility of Overused “no” in Second Language Japanese: Analysis by Part-of-Speech and Learners’ First Language Using I-JAS/Kazunori Suzuki/Japanese Language Education Methods The 62nd Meeting/2024/03/03/Japanese Language Education Methods
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Bilingual processing of binding relations in the non-dominant language: The case of Japanese heritage language speakers in Hawaii/John Matthews
Makiko Hirakawa
Kazunori Suzuki
Mari Umeda
Kazue Takeda
Michiko Fukuda
Neal Snape/The 24th International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences (JSLS 2023)/2023/07/09/The Japanese Society for Language Sciences
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Media Coverage
Academic contribution(Includes fieldwork)
Competitive research funds
Theoretical and Empirical Research on Linguistic Knowledge and Performance among Second/Third Language Learners and Heritage Speakers/Chuo University / Josai International University/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (B))/2022/04/01/2026/03/31
Empirical Research on Noun Modification in Second Language Japanese: Elucidation of Overused "NO"/Kogakuin University / Chuo University / Josai International University/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for Research Activity Start-up)/2021/08/01/2024/03/31
An Empirical Study of Floating Numeral Quantifiers in Japanese/Tokyo Institute of Technology / Kogakuin University / Chuo University/Tajima Ikudo's Vocabulary Research Fund/2020/04/01/2022/03/31
Second Language Acquisition of Argument Structure: Theoretical and Empirical Research on Subject Specificity/Tokyo Institute of Technology/Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows DC2)/2017/04/01/2019/03/31
Participated in the International Partnership Week 2024 (Camosun College: Victoria, Canada)/2024/06
Social Contribution
2024/05/15/2024/05/15/Chiba Prefectural Naruto High School/High School and University Cooperative Lectures: "Tsukumo Time (Multiculturalism)"/"Rethinking Foreign Language Learning"