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Ryo Kakigi
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Researcher Basic Information
Researcher Information
Academic Background
2008/04 2011/03 順天堂大学大学院 スポーツ健康科学部研究科 博士後期課程 博士(スポーツ健康科学)
2006/04 2008/03 順天堂大学大学院 スポーツ健康科学部研究科 博士前期課程
2002/04 2006/03 順天堂大学 スポーツ健康科学部
2008/07 2011/03 順天堂大学 スポーツ健康医科学研究所 その他 リサーチ・アシスタント
2010/10 2019/03 城西国際大学 非常勤講師
2011/04 2012/03 順天堂大学 スポーツ健康医科学研究所 博士研究員
2011/09 2012/08 千葉県農業大学校 非常勤講師
2012/04 2019/03 順天堂大学 医学部 生理学第二講座 その他 助教
Current Work Situation
城西国際大学/Associate Professor/経営情報学部総合経営学科
Work Situation After Establishment of College
Academic Society and Social Activity
2006/08 日本体育学会
2006/09 日本体力医学会
2008/07 日本運動生理学会
2009/05 アメリカスポーツ医学会
2011/03 国際スポートロジー学会
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2013/12 日本生理学会
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Field of Research
Life Science/Sports sciences
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Teaching Experiences
Academic Thesis
Elevation of body temperature is an essential factor for exercise-increased extracellular heat shock protein 72 level in rat plasma/Joint Author/American journal of physiology. Regulatory, integrative and comparative physiology/2008/05
Alpha-actinin-3 levels increase concomitantly with fast fibers in rat soleus muscle/Joint Author/Biochemical and biophysical research communications /2008/08
Different adaptations of alpha-actinin isoforms to exercise training in rat skeletal muscles/Joint Author/ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA/2008/11
Provision of a voluntary exercise environment enhances running activity and prevents obesity in Snark-deficient mice/Joint Author/American journal of physiology. Endocrinology and metabolism/2009/05
Heat stress enhances mTOR signaling after resistance exercise in human skeletal muscle/Joint Author/The journal of physiological sciences/2011/01
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Effects of ageing and endurance exercise training on alpha-actinin isoforms in rat plantaris muscle/Ogura Y
Naito H
Kakigi R
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kurosaka M
Yoshihara T
Akema T/Joint Author/ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA/2011/03
/Joint Author/2011/03
Single bout of running exercise changes LC3-II expression in rat cardiac muscle/Ogura Y
Iemitsu M
Naito H
Kakigi R
Kakehashi C
Maeda S
Akema T/Joint Author/Biochemical and biophysical research communications/2011/11
Fiber-type specific expression of α-actinin isoforms in rat skeletal muscle /Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Yoshihara T
Kakigi R
Ogura Y
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/Biochemical and biophysical research communications/2012/03
Heat stress-induced changes in skeletal muscle: heat shock proteins and cell signaling transduction/Naito H
Yoshihara T
Kakigi R
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Tsuzuki T/Joint Author/The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/2012/05
Heat stress activates the Akt/mTOR signalling pathway in rat skeletal muscle/Yoshihara T
Naito H
Kakigi R
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Ogura Y
Sugiura T
Katamoto S/Joint Author/ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA/2012/11
/Joint Author/2012/12
Effects of training volume on strength and hypertrophy in young men/Sooneste H
Tanimoto M
Kakigi R
Saga N
Katamoto S/Joint Author/Journal of strength and conditioning research/2013/01
Alpha-actinin isoform and skeletal muscle activity/Ogura Y
Kakigi R
Naito H/Joint Author/The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine/2013/05
Whey protein intake after resistance exercise activates mTOR signaling in a dose-dependent manner in human skeletal muscle/Kakigi R
Yoshihara T
Ozaki H
Ogura Y
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kobayashi H
Naito H/Joint Author/European journal of applied physiology/2014/01
Effects of walking combined with restricted leg blood flow on mTOR and MAPK signalling in young men/Ozaki H
Kakigi R
Kobayashi H
Loenneke JP
Abe T
Naito H/Joint Author/ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA/2014/01
Whey peptide ingestion suppresses body fat accumulation in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6 (SAMP6)/Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kakigi R
Miura S
Naito H/Joint Author/European journal of applied physiology/2014/07
Heat stress protects against mechanical ventilation-induced diaphragmatic atrophy/Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Yoshihara T
Kakigi R
Sugiura T
Powers SK
Naito H/Joint Author/
Journal of applied physiology
Cardiorespiratory fitness, body mass index, and cancer mortality: a cohort study of Japanese men/Sawada SS
Lee IM
Naito H
Kakigi R
Goto S
Kanazawa M
Okamoto T/Joint Author/BMC public health/2014/09
The response of apoptotic and proteolytic systems to repeated heat stress in atrophied rat skeletal muscle/Yoshihara T
Sugiura T
Yamamoto Y
Shibaguchi T
Kakigi R
Naito H/Joint Author/Physiological reports/2015/10
Repeated exposure to heat stress results in a diaphragm phenotype that resists ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction/Yoshihara T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kakigi R
Tsuzuki T
Sugiura T
Powers SK
Naito H/Joint Author/Journal of applied physiology/2015/11
Immobilization induces nuclear accumulation of HDAC4 in rat skeletal muscle/Yoshihara T
Machida S
Kurosaka Y
Kakigi R
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/The journal of physiological sciences/2016/01
/Joint Author/2016/03
Dietary astaxanthin supplementation attenuates disuse-induced muscle atrophy and myonuclear apoptosis in the rat soleus muscle/Yoshihara T
Yamamoto Y
Shibaguchi T
Miyaji N
Kakigi R
Naito H
Goto K
Ohmori D
Yoshioka T
Sugiura T/Joint Author/The journal of physiological sciences/2016/04
Heat stress-induced phosphorylation of FoxO3a signalling in rat skeletal muscle/Yoshihara T
Kobayashi H
Kakigi R
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA/2016/06
Short-term treadmill exercise in a cold environment does not induce adrenal Hsp72 and Hsp25 expression/Akin S
Naito H
Ogura Y
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kurosaka M
Kakigi R
Demirel HA/Joint Author/The journal of physiological sciences/2016/07
Long-lasting effects of early-onset exercise on the prevention of obsesity and its related life diseases/Tsuzuki T
Yoshihara T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Takamine Y
Kakigi R
Kobayashi H
Naito H/Joint Author/Juntendo medical journal/2016/07
Attenuation of exercise-induced heat shock protein 72 expression blunts improvements in whole-body insulin resistance in rats with type 2 diabetes/Tsuzuki T
Kobayashi H
Yoshihara T
Kakigi R
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Naito H/Joint Author/Cell stress & chaperones/2017/02
Heat stress induces FoxO3a phosphorylation in rat skeletal muscle/Yoshihara T
Kakigi R
Naito H/Joint Author/Musculoskeletal Regeneration/2017/03
Long-term, but not short-term high-fat diet induces fiber composition changes and impaired contractile force in mouse fast-twitch skeletal muscle/Eshima H
Tamura Y
Kakehi S
Kurebayashi N
Murayama T
Nakamura K
Kakigi R
Okada T
Sakurai T
Kawamori R
Watada H/Joint Author/Physiological reports/2017/04
LPS enhances expression of CD204 through the MAPK/ERK pathway in murine bone marrow macrophages/Hashimoto R
Kakigi R
Nakamura K
Itoh S
Daida H
Okada T
Katoh Y/Joint Author/Atherosclerosis/2017/10
Effects of training intensity in electromyostimulation on human skeletal muscle/Natsume T
Ozaki H
Kakigi R
Kobayashi H
Naito H/Joint Author/European journal of applied physiology/2018/04
Role of selected polymorphisms in determining muscle fiber composition in Japanese men and women/Kumagai H
Tobina T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kakigi R
Tsuzuki T
Zempo H
Shiose K
Yoshimura E
Kumahara H
Ayabe M
Higaki Y
Yamada R
Kobayashi H
Kiyonaga A
Naito H
Tanaka H
Fuku N/Joint Author/Journal of applied physiology/2018/05
Sex differences in forkhead box O3a signaling response to hindlimb unloading in rat soleus muscle/Yoshihara T
Natsume T
Tsuzuki T
Chang SW
Kakigi R
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/The journal of physiological sciences/2018/09
Body temperature elevation during exercise is essential for activating the Akt signaling pathway in the skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic rats/Tsuzuki T
Yoshihara T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kakigi R
Takamine Y
Kobayashi H
Naito H/Joint Author/PloS one/2018/10
Effect of a combination of astaxanthin supplementation, heat stress, and intermittent reloading on satellite cells during disuse muscle atrophy/Yoshihara T
Sugiura T
Miyaji N
Yamamoto Y
Shibaguchi T
Kakigi R
Naito H
Goto K
Ohmori D
Yoshioka T/Joint Author/Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B/2018/12
Dysfunction of muscle contraction with impaired intracellular Ca2+ handling in skeletal muscle and the effect of exercise training in male db/db mice/Eshima H
Tamura Y
Kakehi S
Nakamura K
Kurebayashi N
Murayama T
Kakigi R
Sakurai T
Kawamori R
Watada H/Joint Author/Journal of applied physiology/2019/01
Exercise preconditioning attenuates hind limb unloading-induced gastrocnemius muscle atrophy possibly via the HDAC4/Gadd45 axis in old rats/Yoshihara T
Tsuzuki T
Chang SW
Kakigi R
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/Experimental gerontology/2019/04
Age-related changes in histone modification in rat gastrocnemius muscle/Yoshihara T
Machida S
Tsuzuki T
Kakigi R
Chang SW
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/Experimental gerontology/2019/07
ACTN3 R577X Genotype Is Associated with ACTN3 Protein Expression Levels and Myosin Heavy Chain Composition in Japanese College-Level Male Sprinters/Nakamura T
Kakigi R
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Tsuzuki T
Kobayashi H
Sakuma K
Naito H/Joint Author/Juntendo Medical Journal/2019/07
Sex-specific differences in rat soleus muscle signaling pathway responses to a bout of horizontal and downhill running/Yoshihara T
Chang SW
Tsuzuki T
Natsume T
Kakigi R
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/Journal of physiology and biochemistry/2019/11
JAK-STAT-dependent regulation of scavenger receptors in LPS-activated murine macrophages/Hashimoto R
Kakigi R
Miyamoto Y
Nakamura K
Itoh S
Daida H
Okada T
Katoh Y/Joint Author/European journal of pharmacology/2020/01
A chronic high-fat diet exacerbates contractile dysfunction with impaired intracellular Ca2+ release capacity in the skeletal muscle of aged mice/Eshima H
Tamura Y
Kakehi S
Kakigi R
Hashimoto R
Funai K
Kawamori R
Watada H/Joint Author/Journal of applied physiology/2020/05
PPARGC1A rs8192678 and NRF1 rs6949152 Polymorphisms Are Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition in Women/Yvert T
Miyamoto-Mikami E
Tobina T
Shiose K
Kakigi R
Tsuzuki T
Takaragawa M
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Pérez M
Kobayashi H
Tanaka H
Naito H
Fuku N/Joint Author/Genes/2020/08
Ketogenic diet feeding improves aerobic metabolism property in extensor digitorum longus muscle of sedentary male rats/Ogura Y
Kakehashi C
Yoshihara T
Kurosaka M
Kakigi R
Higashida K
Fujiwara SE
Akema T
Funabashi T/Joint Author/PLOS ONE/2020/10
Are Genome-Wide Association Study Identified Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Sprint Athletic Status? A Replication Study With 3 Different Cohorts/Guilherme JPLF
Semenova EA
Zempo H
Martins GL
Lancha Junior AH
Miyamoto-Mikami E
Kumagai H
Tobina T
Shiose K
Kakigi R
Tsuzuki T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kobayashi H
Naito H
Borisov OV
Kostryukova ES
Kulemin NA
Larin AK
Generozov EV
Fuku N
Ahmetov II/Joint Author/International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance/2020/10
Maintenance of contractile force and increased fatigue resistance in slow-twitch skeletal muscle of mice fed a high-fat diet/Eshima H
Tamura Y
Kakehi S
Kakigi R
Kawamori R
Watada H/Joint Author/Journal of applied physiology/2021/03
Long-term physical inactivity exacerbates hindlimb unloading-induced muscle atrophy in young rat soleus muscle/Yoshihara T
Natsume T
Tsuzuki T
Chang SW
Kakigi R
Machida S
Sugiura T
Naito H/Joint Author/Journal of Applied Physiology/2021/04
Female Athletes Genetically Susceptible to Fatigue Fracture Are Resistant to Muscle Injury: Potential Role of COL1A1 Variant/Miyamoto-Mikami E
Kumagai H
Tanisawa K
Taga Y
Hirata K
Kikuchi N
Kamiya N
Kawakami R
Midorikawa T
Kawamura T
Kakigi R
Natsume T
Zempo H
Suzuki K
Kohmura Y
Mizuno K
Torii S
Sakamoto S
Oka K
Higuchi M
Naito H
Miyamoto N
Fuku N
/Joint Author/Medicine and science in sports and exercise/2021/09
The MOTS-c K14Q polymorphism in the mtDNA is associated with muscle fiber composition and muscular performance/Kumagai H
Natsume T
Kim SJ
Tobina T
Miyamoto-Mikami E
Shiose K
Ichinoseki-Sekine N,
Kakigi R
Tsuzuki T
Miller B
Yen K
Murakami H
Miyachi M
Zempo H
Dobashi S
Machida S
Kobayashi H
Naito H
Cohen P
Fuku N/Joint Author/Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects/2021/10
Genotype Score for Iron Status Is Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition in Women」/Takaragawa M
Tobina T
Shiose K
Kakigi R
Tsuzuki T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kumagai H
Zempo H
Miyamoto-Mikami E
Kobayashi H
Naito H
Fuku N/Joint Author/Genes/2021/12
Circadian rhythms modulate the effect of eccentric exercise on rat soleus muscles/Chang SW
Yoshihara T
Tsuzuki T
Natsume T
Kakigi R
Machida S
Naito H/Joint Author/PLoS One/2022/02
High-throughput muscle fiber typing from RNA sequencing data./Oskolkov N, Santel M, Parikh HM, Ekström O, Camp GJ, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Ström K, Mir BA, Kryvokhyzha D, Lehtovirta M, Kobayashi H, Kakigi R, Naito H, Eriksson KF, Nystedt B, Fuku N, Treutlein B, Pääbo S, Hansson O./Joint Author/Skeletal muscle/2022/07
Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies CDKN1A as a Novel Locus Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition./Semenova EA, Zempo H, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Kumagai H, Larin AK, Sultanov RI, Babalyan KA, Zhelankin AV, Tobina T, Shiose K, Kakigi R, Tsuzuki T, Ichinoseki-Sekine N, Kobayashi H, Naito H, Burniston J, Generozov EV, Fuku N, Ahmetov II./Joint Author/2022/12
Impacts of myosin heavy chain phenotypes on recovery of leg extension force after ACL-reconstructed knee
/Tetsuo Kobayashi
Yuji Ogura
Satoshi Kishiro
Mitsutoshi Kurosaka
Toshinori Yoshihara
Ryo Kakigi
Naoki Minakawa
Kenji Uehara
Tomohiro Suzuki
Katsumasa Goto
Hisateru Niki/Joint Author/
The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine
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/Sole Author/2009/09
/Joint Author/2010/06
/Joint Author/2011/03
/Joint Author/2011/03
/Joint Author/2011/03
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/Joint Author/2012/03
/Sole Author/2016/09
/Joint Author/2019/03
/Joint Author/2020/03
『パワーズ運動生理学 体力と競技力向上のための理論と応 用』 共著 2020/08
体育模擬授業時の学習場面の分析ー本学学生が行う模擬授業の改善点を探るー 城西国際大学紀要 2023/03
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『集中講義 生理学(第3版)』 共著 メジカルビュー社
心臓の虚血再灌流障害に対する 運動の効果 柿木亮 第168回日本体力医学会 関東地方会 2016/12/01
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ビタミンD欠乏食摂取がマウス足底筋の張力発揮や疲労耐性に及ぼす影響 第77回日本体力医学会 2022/09/23
ビタミンD欠乏食と運動トレーニングがマウス足底筋の張力発揮に及ぼす影響 第32回日本運動生理学会 2024/08/23
ヒト遅筋線維割合に関連する遺伝子群の同定:加重遺伝子共発現ネットワークによる解析 第78回日本体力医学会 2024/09/04
Differences in frequency of voluntary exercise in Dilated Cardiomyopathy model mice 第102回日本生理学会 2025/03/19
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Media Coverage
Academic contribution(Includes fieldwork)
Competitive research funds
筋サテライト細胞の活性化を基盤としたヒト骨格筋適応メカニズムの性差の解明 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2024/04/01 2028/03/31
家族性拡張型心筋症モデルにおける運動療法の効果 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2024/04/01 2028/03/31
ビタミンD不足はサルコペニア 進行の増悪因子なのか? 科学研究費補助金(基盤研究(C)) 2019/04/01 2022/03/31
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温熱負荷による骨格筋適応メカ ニズムの解明とサルコペニア予防へ の応用 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B)) 2016/04/01 2020/03/31
筋力トレーニングによる 筋肉増強効果を加速させるロ イヤルゼリーの新たな効果の 検証 みつばち研究助成基金 2014/04/01 2014/04/01
筋の記憶を司るエピジェ ネティクス制御機構の探索 第30回若手研究者のための健 康科学研究助成 2013/04/01 2013/04/01
筋収縮様式の違いによる筋肥大 のメカニズムに対する分子生物学的 アプローチ 科学研究費補助金(若手研究(B)) 2012/04/01 2015/03/31
筋収縮様式の違いによる 筋肥大のメカニズムの探索 平成24年度笹川研究助成 2012/04/01 2012/04/01
Endurance cycling exercise increases serum heat shock protein 72 in humans/2011/04/01/2011/04/01
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