氏名 |
柿木 亮 |
氏名(カナ) |
カキギ リョウ |
氏名(英語) |
Ryo Kakigi |
所属 |
経営情報学部 総合経営学科 |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- Effects of ageing and endurance exercise training on alpha-actinin isoforms in rat plantaris muscle Ogura Y
Naito H Kakigi R Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kurosaka M Yoshihara T Akema T 共著 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 2011/03
- 2型糖尿病罹患に対する飲酒習 慣、有酸素能力の相互作用に関する コホート研究 澤田亨
柿木亮 内藤久士 岡本隆史 塚本浩二 武藤孝司 共著 運動疫学研究: Research in Exercise Epidemiology 2011/03
- Single bout of running exercise changes LC3-II expression in rat cardiac muscle Ogura Y
Iemitsu M Naito H Kakigi R Kakehashi C Maeda S Akema T 共著 Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2011/11
- Fiber-type specific expression of α-actinin isoforms in rat skeletal muscle Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Yoshihara T Kakigi R Ogura Y Sugiura T Naito H 共著 Biochemical and biophysical research communications 2012/03
- Heat stress-induced changes in skeletal muscle: heat shock proteins and cell signaling transduction Naito H
Yoshihara T Kakigi R Ichinoseki-Sekine N Tsuzuki T 共著 The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2012/05
- Heat stress activates the Akt/mTOR signalling pathway in rat skeletal muscle Yoshihara T
Naito H Kakigi R Ichinoseki-Sekine N Ogura Y Sugiura T Katamoto S 共著 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 2012/11
- (-)-エピガロカテキンガレー トの摂取がラットの廃用性筋萎縮に 及ぼす影響 黒坂裕香
内藤久士 関根紀子 柿木亮 湊久美子 形本静夫 共著 日本健康体力栄養学雑誌 2012/12
- Effects of training volume on strength and hypertrophy in young men Sooneste H
Tanimoto M Kakigi R Saga N Katamoto S 共著 Journal of strength and conditioning research 2013/01
- Alpha-actinin isoform and skeletal muscle activity Ogura Y
Kakigi R Naito H 共著 The Journal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine 2013/05
- Whey protein intake after resistance exercise activates mTOR signaling in a dose-dependent manner in human skeletal muscle Kakigi R
Yoshihara T Ozaki H Ogura Y Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kobayashi H Naito H 共著 European journal of applied physiology 2014/01
- Effects of walking combined with restricted leg blood flow on mTOR and MAPK signalling in young men Ozaki H
Kakigi R Kobayashi H Loenneke JP Abe T Naito H 共著 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 2014/01
- Whey peptide ingestion suppresses body fat accumulation in senescence-accelerated mouse prone 6 (SAMP6) Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Kakigi R Miura S Naito H 共著 European journal of applied physiology 2014/07
- Heat stress protects against mechanical ventilation-induced diaphragmatic atrophy Ichinoseki-Sekine N
Yoshihara T Kakigi R Sugiura T Powers SK Naito H 共著 Journal of applied physiology 2014/09
- Cardiorespiratory fitness, body mass index, and cancer mortality: a cohort study of Japanese men Sawada SS
Lee IM Naito H Kakigi R Goto S Kanazawa M Okamoto T 共著 BMC public health 2014/09
- The response of apoptotic and proteolytic systems to repeated heat stress in atrophied rat skeletal muscle Yoshihara T
Sugiura T Yamamoto Y Shibaguchi T Kakigi R Naito H 共著 Physiological reports 2015/10
- Repeated exposure to heat stress results in a diaphragm phenotype that resists ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction Yoshihara T
Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kakigi R Tsuzuki T Sugiura T Powers SK Naito H 共著 Journal of applied physiology 2015/11
- Immobilization induces nuclear accumulation of HDAC4 in rat skeletal muscle Yoshihara T
Machida S Kurosaka Y Kakigi R Sugiura T Naito H 共著 The journal of physiological sciences 2016/01
- 上肢筋力増加によるノルディ ックウォーキング中の心拍数-血中乳 酸濃度関係の生理的適応について 運動処方への安全な運用を目的とし て 富田 エミ
辻川 比呂斗 家崎 貴文 渡邉 マキノ 柿木 亮 岡田 隆夫 共著 適応医学 2016/03
- Dietary astaxanthin supplementation attenuates disuse-induced muscle atrophy and myonuclear apoptosis in the rat soleus muscle Yoshihara T
Yamamoto Y Shibaguchi T Miyaji N Kakigi R Naito H Goto K Ohmori D Yoshioka T Sugiura T 共著 The journal of physiological sciences 2016/04
- Heat stress-induced phosphorylation of FoxO3a signalling in rat skeletal muscle Yoshihara T
Kobayashi H Kakigi R Sugiura T Naito H 共著 ACTA PHYSIOLOGICA 2016/06
- Short-term treadmill exercise in a cold environment does not induce adrenal Hsp72 and Hsp25 expression Akin S
Naito H Ogura Y Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kurosaka M Kakigi R Demirel HA 共著 The journal of physiological sciences 2016/07
- Long-lasting effects of early-onset exercise on the prevention of obsesity and its related life diseases Tsuzuki T
Yoshihara T Ichinoseki-Sekine N Takamine Y Kakigi R Kobayashi H Naito H 共著 Juntendo medical journal 2016/07
- Attenuation of exercise-induced heat shock protein 72 expression blunts improvements in whole-body insulin resistance in rats with type 2 diabetes Tsuzuki T
Kobayashi H Yoshihara T Kakigi R Ichinoseki-Sekine N Naito H 共著 Cell stress & chaperones 2017/02
- Heat stress induces FoxO3a phosphorylation in rat skeletal muscle Yoshihara T
Kakigi R Naito H 共著 Musculoskeletal Regeneration 2017/03
- Long-term, but not short-term high-fat diet induces fiber composition changes and impaired contractile force in mouse fast-twitch skeletal muscle Eshima H
Tamura Y Kakehi S Kurebayashi N Murayama T Nakamura K Kakigi R Okada T Sakurai T Kawamori R Watada H 共著 Physiological reports 2017/04
- LPS enhances expression of CD204 through the MAPK/ERK pathway in murine bone marrow macrophages Hashimoto R
Kakigi R Nakamura K Itoh S Daida H Okada T Katoh Y 共著 Atherosclerosis 2017/10
- Effects of training intensity in electromyostimulation on human skeletal muscle Natsume T
Ozaki H Kakigi R Kobayashi H Naito H 共著 European journal of applied physiology 2018/04
- Role of selected polymorphisms in determining muscle fiber composition in Japanese men and women Kumagai H
Tobina T Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kakigi R Tsuzuki T Zempo H Shiose K Yoshimura E Kumahara H Ayabe M Higaki Y Yamada R Kobayashi H Kiyonaga A Naito H Tanaka H Fuku N 共著 Journal of applied physiology 2018/05
- Sex differences in forkhead box O3a signaling response to hindlimb unloading in rat soleus muscle Yoshihara T
Natsume T Tsuzuki T Chang SW Kakigi R Sugiura T Naito H 共著 The journal of physiological sciences 2018/09
- Body temperature elevation during exercise is essential for activating the Akt signaling pathway in the skeletal muscle of type 2 diabetic rats Tsuzuki T
Yoshihara T Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kakigi R Takamine Y Kobayashi H Naito H 共著 PloS one 2018/10
- Effect of a combination of astaxanthin supplementation, heat stress, and intermittent reloading on satellite cells during disuse muscle atrophy Yoshihara T
Sugiura T Miyaji N Yamamoto Y Shibaguchi T Kakigi R Naito H Goto K Ohmori D Yoshioka T 共著 Journal of Zhejiang University. Science. B 2018/12
- Dysfunction of muscle contraction with impaired intracellular Ca2+ handling in skeletal muscle and the effect of exercise training in male db/db mice Eshima H
Tamura Y Kakehi S Nakamura K Kurebayashi N Murayama T Kakigi R Sakurai T Kawamori R Watada H 共著 Journal of applied physiology 2019/01
- Exercise preconditioning attenuates hind limb unloading-induced gastrocnemius muscle atrophy possibly via the HDAC4/Gadd45 axis in old rats Yoshihara T
Tsuzuki T Chang SW Kakigi R Sugiura T Naito H 共著 Experimental gerontology 2019/04
- Age-related changes in histone modification in rat gastrocnemius muscle Yoshihara T
Machida S Tsuzuki T Kakigi R Chang SW Sugiura T Naito H 共著 Experimental gerontology 2019/07
- ACTN3 R577X Genotype Is Associated with ACTN3 Protein Expression Levels and Myosin Heavy Chain Composition in Japanese College-Level Male Sprinters Nakamura T
Kakigi R Ichinoseki-Sekine N Tsuzuki T Kobayashi H Sakuma K Naito H 共著 Juntendo Medical Journal 2019/07
- Sex-specific differences in rat soleus muscle signaling pathway responses to a bout of horizontal and downhill running Yoshihara T
Chang SW Tsuzuki T Natsume T Kakigi R Sugiura T Naito H 共著 Journal of physiology and biochemistry 2019/11
- JAK-STAT-dependent regulation of scavenger receptors in LPS-activated murine macrophages Hashimoto R
Kakigi R Miyamoto Y Nakamura K Itoh S Daida H Okada T Katoh Y 共著 European journal of pharmacology 2020/01
- A chronic high-fat diet exacerbates contractile dysfunction with impaired intracellular Ca2+ release capacity in the skeletal muscle of aged mice Eshima H
Tamura Y Kakehi S Kakigi R Hashimoto R Funai K Kawamori R Watada H 共著 Journal of applied physiology 2020/05
- PPARGC1A rs8192678 and NRF1 rs6949152 Polymorphisms Are Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition in Women Yvert T
Miyamoto-Mikami E Tobina T Shiose K Kakigi R Tsuzuki T Takaragawa M Ichinoseki-Sekine N Pérez M Kobayashi H Tanaka H Naito H Fuku N 共著 Genes 2020/08
- Ketogenic diet feeding improves aerobic metabolism property in extensor digitorum longus muscle of sedentary male rats Ogura Y
Kakehashi C Yoshihara T Kurosaka M Kakigi R Higashida K Fujiwara SE Akema T Funabashi T 共著 PLOS ONE 2020/10
- Are Genome-Wide Association Study Identified Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms Associated With Sprint Athletic Status? A Replication Study With 3 Different Cohorts Guilherme JPLF
Semenova EA Zempo H Martins GL Lancha Junior AH Miyamoto-Mikami E Kumagai H Tobina T Shiose K Kakigi R Tsuzuki T Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kobayashi H Naito H Borisov OV Kostryukova ES Kulemin NA Larin AK Generozov EV Fuku N Ahmetov II 共著 International Journal of Sports Physiology and Performance 2020/10
- Maintenance of contractile force and increased fatigue resistance in slow-twitch skeletal muscle of mice fed a high-fat diet Eshima H
Tamura Y Kakehi S Kakigi R Kawamori R Watada H 共著 Journal of applied physiology 2021/03
- Long-term physical inactivity exacerbates hindlimb unloading-induced muscle atrophy in young rat soleus muscle Yoshihara T
Natsume T Tsuzuki T Chang SW Kakigi R Machida S Sugiura T Naito H 共著 Journal of Applied Physiology 2021/04
- Female Athletes Genetically Susceptible to Fatigue Fracture Are Resistant to Muscle Injury: Potential Role of COL1A1 Variant Miyamoto-Mikami E
Kumagai H Tanisawa K Taga Y Hirata K Kikuchi N Kamiya N Kawakami R Midorikawa T Kawamura T Kakigi R Natsume T Zempo H Suzuki K Kohmura Y Mizuno K Torii S Sakamoto S Oka K Higuchi M Naito H Miyamoto N Fuku N 共著 Medicine and science in sports and exercise 2021/09
- The MOTS-c K14Q polymorphism in the mtDNA is associated with muscle fiber composition and muscular performance Kumagai H
Natsume T Kim SJ Tobina T Miyamoto-Mikami E Shiose K Ichinoseki-Sekine N, Kakigi R Tsuzuki T Miller B Yen K Murakami H Miyachi M Zempo H Dobashi S Machida S Kobayashi H Naito H Cohen P Fuku N 共著 Biochimica et biophysica acta. General subjects 2021/10
- Genotype Score for Iron Status Is Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition in Women」 Takaragawa M
Tobina T Shiose K Kakigi R Tsuzuki T Ichinoseki-Sekine N Kumagai H Zempo H Miyamoto-Mikami E Kobayashi H Naito H Fuku N 共著 Genes 2021/12
- Circadian rhythms modulate the effect of eccentric exercise on rat soleus muscles Chang SW
Yoshihara T Tsuzuki T Natsume T Kakigi R Machida S Naito H 共著 PLoS One 2022/02
- High-throughput muscle fiber typing from RNA sequencing data./Oskolkov N, Santel M, Parikh HM, Ekström O, Camp GJ, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Ström K, Mir BA, Kryvokhyzha D, Lehtovirta M, Kobayashi H, Kakigi R, Naito H, Eriksson KF, Nystedt B, Fuku N, Treutlein B, Pääbo S, Hansson O./Joint Author/Skeletal muscle/2022/07
- Genome-Wide Association Study Identifies CDKN1A as a Novel Locus Associated with Muscle Fiber Composition./Semenova EA, Zempo H, Miyamoto-Mikami E, Kumagai H, Larin AK, Sultanov RI, Babalyan KA, Zhelankin AV, Tobina T, Shiose K, Kakigi R, Tsuzuki T, Ichinoseki-Sekine N, Kobayashi H, Naito H, Burniston J, Generozov EV, Fuku N, Ahmetov II./Joint Author/2022/12
Impacts of myosin heavy chain phenotypes on recovery of leg extension force after ACL-reconstructed knee Tetsuo Kobayashi Yuji Ogura Satoshi Kishiro Mitsutoshi Kurosaka Toshinori Yoshihara Ryo Kakigi Naoki Minakawa Kenji Uehara Tomohiro Suzuki Katsumasa Goto Hisateru Niki 共著 - The Japanese Society of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine