氏名 |
額賀 路嘉 |
氏名(カナ) |
ヌカガ ミチヨシ |
氏名(英語) |
Michiyoshi Nukaga |
所属 |
薬学部 医療薬学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
Frameshift Mutations in Genes Encoding PBP3 and PBP4 Trigger an Unusual, Extreme β-Lactam Resistance Phenotype in Burkholderia multivorans/Maria F. Mojica, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Scott A. Becka, Elise T. Zeiser, Tyuji Hoshino, John J. LiPuma , Krisztina M. Papp-Wallace/Joint Author/ACS Infect Dis./2024/11
- Development of Inhibitory Compounds for Metallo-beta-lactamase through Computational Design and Crystallographic Analysis/Taichi Kamo, Keiichi Kuroda, Saki Nimura, Yan Guo, Shota Kondo, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Tyuji Hoshino/Joint Author/Biochemistry/2024/05
- Computational and Crystallographic Analysis of Binding Structures of Inhibitory Compounds for HIV1 RNase H Activity/Huiyan Lu, Yuji Komukai, Koto Usami, Yan Guo, Xinyue Qiao, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Tyuji Hoshino/Joint Author/2022/11
- Exploring the activity of cefepime-taniborbactam and ceftibuten-(VNRX-7145->VNRX-5236) against multi-drug resistant pathogens./Krisztina M. Papp-Wallace, PhD, Scott A. Becka, BS, and Michiyoshi Nukaga, PhD/Joint Author/Venatorx Pharmaceuticals/2022/03
- Assessing the Potency of β-Lactamase Inhibitors with Diverse Inactivation Mechanisms against the PenA1 Carbapenemase from Burkholderia multivorans 共著 ACS Infect Dis 2021 Apr 9;7(4):826-837. 2021/05
- Identification of the Inhibitory Compounds for Metallo-β-lactamases and Structural Analysis of the Binding Modes 単著 Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). 2021;69(12):1179-1183. 2021/08
- Anisotropic Distribution of Ammonium Sulfate Ions in Protein Crystallization 共著 Crystal Grouth and Design (2019), 19(11), p6136-6140 2019/05
- Probing the Mechanism of Inactivation of the FOX-4 Cephamycinase by Avibactam. 共著 Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 2018 Apr 26;62(5). pii: e02371-17. doi: 10.1128/AAC.02371-17. Print 2018 May. 2018/04
- Overcoming an Extremely Drug Resistant (XDR) Pathogen: Avibactam Restores Susceptibility to Ceftazidime for Burkholderia cepacia Complex Isolates from Cystic Fibrosis Patients. 共著 ACS Infect Dis. 2017 Jul 14;3(7):502-511 2017/03
- Two Distinctive Binding Modes of Endonuclease Inhibitors to the N-Terminal Region of Influenza Virus Polymerase Acidic Subunit. 共著 Biochemistry. 2016 May 10;55(18):2646-60. doi: 10.1021/acs.biochem.5b01087. Epub 2016 Apr 26. 2016/05
- Structural and computational study on inhibitory compounds for endonuclease activity of influenza virus polymerase. 共著 Bioorg Med Chem. 2015 Sep 1;23(17):5466-75. doi: 10.1016/j.bmc.2015.07.046. Epub 2015 Jul 29. 2015/09
- クラスCβ-ラクタマーゼ -構造、反応機構、進化- 単著 臨床と微生物学Vol42, No4, 特集「β-ラクタマーゼから考える細菌の進化」内 p35-p42 2015/07
- Insights into β-lactamases from Burkholderia species, two phylogenetically related yet distinct resistance determinants. 共著 J. Biol. Chem. Vol.288, p19090-19102 2013/06
- β-ラクタマーゼの構造から考える耐性獲得機構 オキシイミノ系およびカルバペネム系 β -ラクタム剤を中心に 単著 日本化学療法学会雑誌 Vol.61, No.6, P479-491 2013/11
- 14員環マクロライド抗生物質が核質タンパク性因子の細胞内動態に及ぼす影響 Vol65 Suppl.A, p116-120 (2012, March 31) 共著 The Japanese Journal of Antibiotics, 2012/03
- Thrombin-stimulated proliferation is mediated by endothelin-1 in cultured rat gingival fibroblasts Ohuchi N, Hayashi K, Iwamoto K, Koike K, Kizawa Y, Nukaga M, Kakegawa T, Murakami H. 共著 Fundam. Clin. Pharmacol, Vol.24, pp501-508 (2010) 2010/08
- Inhibition of class A beta-lactamases by carbapenems: crystallographic observation of two conformations of meropenem in SHV-1/Nukaga M, Bethel CR, Thomson JM, Hujer AM, Distler A, Anderson VE, Knox JR, Bonomo RA./Joint Author/J Am Chem Soc.
- The D-methyl group in beta-lactamase evolution: evidence from the Y221G and GC1 mutants of the class C beta-lactamase of Enterobacter cloacae P99/S A Adediran, Zhen Zhang, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Timothy Palzkill, R F Pratt/Joint Author/Biochemistry
- Inhibition of class D beta-lactamases by acyl phosphates and phosphonates/S A Adediran, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Stéphane Baurin, J-M Frère, R F Pratt/Joint Author/Antimicrob Agents Chemother/2005/10
- Inhibition of class D beta-lactamases by diaroyl phosphates/Sudipta Majumdar, S A Adediran, Michiyoshi Nukaga, R F Pratt/Joint Author/Biochemistry/2005/12
- Structure-activity relationship of 6-methylidene penems bearing tricyclic heterocycles as broad-spectrum beta-lactamase inhibitors: crystallographic structures show unexpected binding of 1,4-thiazepine intermediates
/Aranapakam M Venkatesan, Yansong Gu, Osvaldo Dos Santos, Takao Abe, Atul Agarwal, Youjun Yang, Peter J Petersen, William J Weiss, Tarek S Mansour, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Andrea M Hujer, Robert A Bonomo, James R Knox/J Med Chem/2004/12
- Hydrolysis of third-generation cephalosporins by class C beta-lactamases. Structures of a transition state analog of cefotoxamine in wild-type and extended spectrum enzymes/Michiyoshi Nukaga, Sanjai Kumar, Kayoko Nukaga, R F Pratt, James R Knox/Joint Author/J. Biol. Chem./2004/12
- Kinetics of turnover of cefotaxime by the Enterobacter cloacae P99 and GCl beta-lactamases: two free enzyme forms of the P99 beta-lactamase detected by a combination of pre- and post-steady state kinetics/Sanjai Kumar, S A Adediran, Michiyoshi Nukaga, R F Pratt/Joint Author/Biochemistry/2004/05
- Comparison of beta-lactamases of classes A and D: 1.5-A crystallographic structure of the class D OXA-1 oxacillinase/Tao Sun, Michiyoshi Nukaga, Kayoko Mayama, Emory H Braswell, James R Knox/Protein Sci/2003/01
- Ultrahigh resolution structure of a class A beta-lactamase: on the mechanism and specificity of the extended-spectrum SHV-2 enzyme/Michiyoshi Nukaga, Kayoko Mayama, Andrea M Hujer, Robert A Bonomo, James R Knox/Joint Author/J Mol Biol
- Inhibition of class A and class C beta-lactamases by penems: crystallographic structures of a novel 1,4-thiazepine intermediate/Michiyoshi Nukaga, Takao Abe, Aranapakam M Venkatesan, Tarek S Mansour, Robert A Bonomo, James R Knox/Biochemistry/2003/11
- Structure of an extended-spectrum class A beta-lactamase from Proteus vulgaris K1/Michiyoshi Nukaga, Kayoko Mayama, Gregg V Crichlow, James R Knox/ J Mol Biol/2002/05
- Inhibition of class C beta-lactamases: structure of a reaction intermediate with a cephem sulfone/G V Crichlow, M Nukaga, V R Doppalapudi, J D Buynak, J R Knox/Joint Author/Biochemistry/2001/05
- Characterization of an extended-spectrum class C beta-lactamase of Citrobacter freundii/S Haruta, M Nukaga, T Sawai/Joint Author/2001/06
- Crystallization and preliminary X-ray study of OXA-1, a class D beta-lactamase/T Sun, M Nukaga, K Mayama, G V Crichlow, A P Kuzin, J R Knox/Joint Author/Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr/2001/12
- Inhibition of the SHV-1 beta-lactamase by sulfones: crystallographic observation of two reaction intermediates with tazobactam/A P Kuzin, M Nukaga, Y Nukaga, A Hujer, R A Bonomo, J R Knox/Joint Author/Biochemistry/2001/02
- The effect of amino acid substitution at position 219 of Citrobacter freundii cephalosporinase on extension of its substrate spectrum/K Tsukamoto, R Ohno, M Nukaga, T Sawai/Joint Author/Eur J Biochem/1992/08
- A survey of a functional amino acid of class C beta-lactamase corresponding to Glu166 of class A beta-lactamases/M Nukaga, K Tanimoto, K Tsukamoto, S Imajo, M Ishiguro, T Sawai/FEBS Lett./1993/08
- Interaction of oxyimino beta-lactams with a class C beta-lactamase and a mutant with a spectrum extended to beta-lactams/M Nukaga, K Tsukamoto, H Yamaguchi, T Sawai/Antimicrob Agents Chemother
- Replacement of serine 237 in class A beta-lactamase of Proteus vulgaris modifies its unique substrate specificity/M Tamaki, M Nukaga, T Sawai/Joint Author/Biochemistry/1994/08
Molecular evolution of a class C beta-lactamase extending its substrate specificity/M Nukaga, S Haruta, K Tanimoto, K Kogure, K Taniguchi, M Tamaki, T Sawai/Joint Author/J Biol Chem
- β-ラクタマーゼとその分子進化 澤井哲夫、額賀路嘉、春田伸 蛋白質・核酸・酵素 1995/10
- Resistance to oxyimino beta-lactams due to a mutation of chromosomal beta-lactamase in Citrobacter freundii/S Haruta, M Nukaga, K Taniguchi, T Sawai/Microbiol Immunol/1998/06
- Effect of an amino acid insertion into the omega loop region of a class C beta-lactamase on its substrate specificity/M Nukaga, K Taniguchi, Y Washio, T Sawai/Biochemistry/1998/07
- Structure of the SHV-1 beta-lactamase/A P Kuzin, M Nukaga, Y Nukaga, A M Hujer, R A Bonomo, J R Knox/Joint Author/Biochemistry/1999/05
Structure of the extended-spectrum class C beta-lactamase of Enterobacter cloacae GC1, a natural mutant with a tandem tripeptide insertion/G V Crichlow, A P Kuzin, M Nukaga, K Mayama, T Sawai, J R Knox/Joint Author/Biochemistry/1999/08
- Functional analysis of the active site of a metallo-beta-lactamase proliferating in Japan/S Haruta, H Yamaguchi, E T Yamamoto, Y Eriguchi, M Nukaga, K O'Hara, T Sawai/Joint Author/Antimicrob Agents Chemother
- ドリペネム、クラスA,Cβ−ラクタマーゼ複合体の超高解像度X線結晶解析 御牧紗代、大内希、懸川友人、Bonomo. R., 額賀 路嘉 第83回日本細菌学会総会 2010/03/29
- Studies on the Inactivation of Class C beta-Lactamases by Carbapenems: Panipenem and P99 M. NUKAGA, C. R. BETHEL, S. DRAWZ, R. A. BONOMO 50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), Sept. 12-15, Boston, MA, USA 2010/09/12
- 一般用医薬品登録販売者の育成カリキュラムと受験準備実態に関するアンケート調査 Questionnaire survey of promotion curriculum for an OTC drug pharmaceutical registration distributor’s and a preparation for qualifying examination 日本薬学会第131年会 静岡(震災のため中止、要旨集発行) 2011/03/25
- 14員環マクロライド抗生物質が核質タンパク性因子の細胞内動態に及ぼす影響 懸川友人、古庄諭美、額賀路嘉、小澤美香、小嶋文良 第18回マクロライド新作用研究会 2011.7.15-16 北里大学白金キャンパス薬学部コンベンションホール 2011/07/15
- Studies on the Inactivation of Class C beta-Lactamases by Aztreonam (ATM) M. Nukaga1, C. R. Bethel, S. M. Drawz, and R. A. Bonomo 51th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) Sept 17-20, Chicago, IL, USA 2011/09/17
- Structure-function studies of PenA β-lactamase: insights into single amino acid substitutions that mediate ceftazidime (TAZ) resistance in Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp) K. M. Papp-Wallace, M. Nukaga, D.A. Rholl, H. P. Schweizer, M. Taracila and R. A. Bonomo 51th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC) Sept 17-20, Chicago, IL, USA 2011/09/17
- The Contribution of Ambler Position P167 in Ceftazidime(TAZ) Resistance in PenI of Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp) 52th ICAAC (Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy) サンフランシスコ 2012/09/08
- Crystal Structures of the Pen beta-Lactamases of Burkholderia cepacia (Bc) and Burkholderia pseudomallei (Bp) 52th ICAAC (Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy) サンフランシスコ 2012/09/09
- クラスC β-ラクタマーゼの構造・反応機構・耐性化メカニズム シンポジウム;βラクタマーゼ学: 構造・活性からその特徴を再考するの講演として 第59回日本化学療法学会東日本支部総会、台場、日航ホテル 2012/10/11
- Studies on the Inactivation of Enterobacter cloacae P99 Class C beta-Lactamases by Carbapenems: Doripenem and Panipenem 53th ICAAC (Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy) デンバー(コロラド州) 2013/09/12
- Studies on the Inactivation of Enterobacter cloacae P99 Class C beta-Lactamase by Carbapenems: Doripenem, Panipenem, Imipenem and Biapenem Structure-Function of Beta-Lactamases Monday, Sep 21, 2015, 8:30 AM -11:00 AM Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2015 (ICAAC/ICC2015),San Diego, CA San Diego Convention Center 2015/09/21
- Exploring the Inactivation Mechanism by Avibactam (AVI) of an Inhibitor-Resistant Carbapenemase, PenA from Burkholderia multivorans (Bm) Session: Structure-Function of Beta-Lactamases Monday, Sep 21, 2015, 8:30 AM -11:00 AM Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 2015,San Diego, CA San Diego Convention Center 2015/09/21
- Size Matters”: Probing the Mechanisms of Inactivation of Class C β-Lactamases with Avibactam (AVI) 56th Interscience Conference of Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy(ICAAC), Boston, MA, USA. 2016/06/21
- カルバペネム分解型セリンβ-ラクタマーゼの構造と分解機構 第30回微生物シンポジウム(城西国際大学紀尾井町キャンパス)、ミニシンポジウム次代を担う若手の微生物研究 2018/08/27
- Characterizing the resistance mechanisms present in an unusually, highly multi-drug resistant isolate of Burkholderia multivorans ASM Microbe online, ePoster 2020/07/18
- Burkholderia multivorans由来の薬剤耐性因子PenRのX線結晶構造解析 渋谷 明日香, 坂本 翔, 星野 忠次, Maria F Mojica, 額賀 路嘉 日本薬学会第144年会(横浜) 2024/03/28
- Burkholderia multivorans由来クラスC β-ラクタマーゼの立体構造解析 池谷 匠、小堀 真由佳、星野 忠次、モヒカ マリア、額賀 路嘉 日本薬学会145年会 2025/03/27 日本薬学会