氏名 |
光本 篤史 |
氏名(カナ) |
ミツモト アツシ |
氏名(英語) |
Mitsumoto Atsushi |
所属 |
薬学部 医療薬学科 |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- オリーブ農園におけるオリーブアナアキゾウムシ忌避剤の実証試験 光本篤史、山崎研 共著 薬学雑誌 2024/06
- 「プライマリ・ケアの理論と実践 ー薬剤師ー」 光本篤史 単著 日本医事新報 2024/03
- 食害をもたらす害虫からオリーブの木を護る薬剤の開発 光本篤史 単著 月刊「アグリバイオ」誌 2023/11
- オリーブアナアキゾウムシに対するバニリン誘導体及びモノテルペン類の忌避作用 光本篤史,山崎研 共著 薬学雑誌 2022/09
- Clofibric acid increases molecular species of phosphatidylethanolamine containing arachidonic acid for biogenesis of peroxisomal membranes in peroxisome proliferation in the liver./Hiroaki Miura, Hiroki Mizoguchi, Mino Amano-Iwashita, Rie Maeda-Kogure, Akio negishi, Ayako Sakai, Tomoaki Toyama, Hiroshi Kawai, Atsushi Mitsumoto, Naomi Kudo/Joint Author/BBA, Mol.Cell Biol.Lipids/2021/10
- A single pretreatment with clofibric acid attenuates carbon tetrachloride-induced necrosis, but not steatosis, in rat liver./Yoshihiro Yamakawa, Takaaki Doi, Yoshizumi Naitou, Hiroshi Kawai, Atsushi Mitsumoto, Naomi Kudo, Yoichi Kawashima/Joint Author/Food Chem Toxicol./2020/11
- International Understanding among Nursing and Pharmacy Students in Japan. /Shigeo Yamamura, Eiko Inoue, Junko Miyazawa, Kayoko Yuyama, Tomoko Terajima and Atsushi Mitsumoto/Joint Author/Educ. Sci./2020/09
- Urinary bile acid shows diurnal fluctuation and phase shift with daytime-restricted feeding in rats. /Hiroshi Kawai, Ai Kurokawa, Takuya Ishibashi, Reiko Iwadate, Naomi Kudo, Yoichi Kawashima, Atsushi Mitsumoto/Joint Author/BPB Reports/2020/04
- 大学生の専門職連携教育における協働的能力自己評価尺度の開発 井上映子、中村洋、宮澤純子、小林みゆき、橋本理子、横井悠加、北村昭夫、安斎紗保理、光本篤史 共著 城西国際大学紀要(看護学部) 2020/03
- 城西国際大学薬学部の教育課程における「臨床マインド教育」の導入が1年次生に及ぼす影響 小柳順一、石崎幸、酒井健介、中村洋、新垣知輝、寺島朝子、竹平理恵子、扶川武志、光本篤史 共著 城西国際大学紀要(薬学部) 2020/02
- Antidepressants with different mechanisms of action show different chronopharmacological profiles in the tail suspension test in mice./Kawai H, Iwadate R, Ishibashi T, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A/Joint Author/Chronobiol Int./2019/09
- Influence of measurement method on DPPH free radical-scavenging activity assessment in blueberry fruit extract Comparison of HPLC method and UV-VIS method Yuma Shibata, Kosuke Ohara, Chihiro Takei, Kaori Matsumoto, Tetsuya Hasegawa, Masayuki Akimoto, Atsushi Mitsumoto 共著 城西国際大学大学院紀要 2019/03
- Time of Administration of Acute or Chronic Doses of Imipramine Affects its Anti- depressant Action in Rats./Kawai H, Kodaira N, Tanaka C, Ishibashi T, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A/Joint Author/J Circadian Rhythms/2018/05
- Chronopharmacological Analysis of Antidepressant Activity of a Dual-Action Serotonin Noradrenaline Reuptake Inhibitor (SNRI), Milnacipran, in Rats. /Kawai H, Machida M, Ishibashi T, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2018/02
- Short and long photoperiods differentially exacerbate corticosterone-induced physical and psychological symptoms in mice./Kawai H, Inabe J, Ishibashi T, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/Biomed Res./2018/01
- Effects of essential oil inhalation on objectve and subjective sleep quality in healthy university students./Hiroshi Kawai, Saki Tanaka, Chika Nakamura, Takuya Ishibashi, Atsushi Mitsumoto/Joint Author/Sleep Biol. Rhythms/2018/01
- Fatty Acid β-Oxidation Plays a Key Role in Regulating cis-Palmitoleic Acid Levels in the Liver./Kawabata K, Karahashi M, Sakamoto T, Tsuji Y, Yamazaki T, Okazaki M, Mitsumoto A, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2016/12
- Role of transient receptor potential melastatin 2 (TRPM2) channels in visceral nociception and hypersensitivity/Kanako Takagi; Atsumi Kato; Takuya Ishibashi; Yasuo Mori; Kimihito Tashima; Atsushi Mitsumoto; Shinichi Kato; Syunji Horie/Joint Author/Experimental Neurology/2016/09
- Abnormalities in the Metabolism of Fatty Acids and Triacylglycerols in the Liver of the Goto‑Kakizaki Rat: A Model for Non‑Obese Type 2 Diabetes./Minako Karahashi, Yuko Hirata‑Hanta, Kohei Kawabata, Daisuke Tsutsumi, Misaki Kametani, Nanako Takamatsu, Takeshi Sakamoto, Tohru Yamazaki, Satoshi Asano, Atsushi Mitsumoto, Yoichi Kawashima, Naomi Kudo/Joint Author/Lipids/2016/07
- Effects of dietary fish oil on cytochrome P450 3A expression in the liver of SHR/NDmcr-cp (cp/cp) rats, an animal model for metabolic syndrome/Tohru Yamazaki, Takashi Ohki, Hiroki Taguchi, Asami Yamamoto, Mari Okazaki, Takeshi Sakamoto, Atsushi Mitsumoto, Yoichi Kawashima, Naomi Kudo/Joint Author/Fundam. Toxicol. Sci./2015/08
- Inducing Effect of Clofibric Acid on Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase in Intestinal Mucosa of Rats./Yamazaki T, Kadokura M, Mutoh Y, Sakamoto T, Okazaki M, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y, Kudo N./Joint Author/Lipids/2014/12
- A simple and sensitive method for the determination of fibric acids in the liver by liquid chromatography./Karahashi M, Fukuhara H, Hoshina M, Sakamoto T, Yamazaki T, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y, Kudo N./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2014/01
- Altered fatty acid profile in the liver and serum of stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats: reduced proportion of cis-vaccenic acid./Tanaka S, Kojiguchi C, Yamazaki T, Kobayashi D, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/J Oleo Sci./2013/11
- Fibrates reduce triacylglycerol content by upregulating adipose triglyceride lipase in the liver of rats./Karahashi M, Hoshina M, Yamazaki T, Sakamoto T, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y, Kudo N./Joint Author/J Pharmacol Sci./2013/11
- Increased Lipid Synthesis and Decreased β-Oxidation in the Liver of SHR/NDmcr-cp (cp/cp) Rats, an Animal Model of Metabolic Syndrome./Tanaka S, Yamazaki T, Asano S, Mitsumoto A, Kobayashi D, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Lipids/2013/11
- Up-Regulation of Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase 1 Increases Liver MUFA Content in Obese Zucker but Not Goto-Kakizaki Rats./Karahashi M, Ishii F, Yamazaki T, Imai K, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y, Kudo N./Sole Author/Lipids/2013/05
- 薬学教育モデル・コアカリキュラムに準拠した六年制薬学教育における学生の達成感に関する自己評価の一例 新垣知輝、小柳順一、中村洋、平田隆弘、太田篤胤、秋元雅之、白幡晶、光本篤史 共著 薬学雑誌 2013/01
- Behavioral and biochemical characterization of rats treated chronically with thioacdtamide: proposal of an animal model for hepatic encephalopathy associated with cirrhosis./Kawai H, Ishibashi T, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/J Toxicol Sci./2012/10
- Induction of 1-acylglycerophosphocholine acyltransferase genes by fibrates in the liver of rats./Yamazaki T, Wakabayashi M, Ikeda E, Tanaka S, Sakamoto T, Mitsumoto A, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2012/07
- Impairment of Heme Biosynthesis Induces Short Circadian Period in Body Temperature Rhythms in Mice./Iwadate R, Satoh Y, Watanabe Y, Kawai H, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mashino T, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol./2012/05
- Characterization of fatty acid profile in the liver of SHR/NDmcr-cp (cp/cp) rats, a model of the metabolic syndrome./Tanaka S, Yagi Y, Yamazaki T, Mitsumoto A, Kobayashi D, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2012/03
- 小規模病院における医薬品に関する情報提供の実態調査 森恒雄、斉藤佳子、山村重雄、光本篤史、小嶋文良 共著 Jpn J Drug Inform. 2012/02
- Differential induction of stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 and 2 genes by fibrates in the liver of rats./Yamazaki T, Okada H, Sakamoto T, Sunaga K, Tsuda T, Mitsumoto A, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2012/01
- Clofibric acid increases the formation of oleic acid in endoplasmic reticulum of the liver of rats./Hirose A, Yamazaki T, Sakamoto T, Sunaga K, Tsuda T, Mitsumoto A, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Sole Author/J Pharmacol Sci./2011/10
- Effects of perfluorinated fatty acids with different carbon chain length on fatty acid profiles of hepatic lipids in mice./Kudo N, Yamazaki T, Sakamoto T, Sunaga K, Tsuda T, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2011/06
- 薬剤師による臨床診断 レッドフラッグシステムによるトリアージ 佐仲雅樹、光本篤史、徳田安春 共著 Clinical Pharmacist, 2011/05
- Effects of perfluorinated fatty acids with different carbon chain length on fatty acid profiles of hepatic lipids in mice/Naomi Kudo, Tohru Yamazaki, Takeshi Sakamoto, Katsuyoshi Sunaga, Tadashi Tsuda, Atsushi Mitsumoto, Yoichi Kawashima/Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2011/03
- 就寝前の牛乳摂取が睡眠の質に及ぼす影響 渡邉ゆきの,佐藤陽子,河合洋,光本篤史 共著 Food Science 2010/12
- Differential response of hepatic porphyria mice to diazepam./Watanabe Y, Kawai H, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/Porphyrins/2010/06
- Involvement of reactive oxygen species in TGF-beta1-induced tropoelastin expression by human dermal fibroblasts./Choi WS, Mitsumoto A, Kochevar IE./Joint Author/Photochem Photobiol./2009/11
- Peroxisome proliferators attenuate free arachidonic acid pool in the kidney through inducing lysophospholipid acyltransferases./Yamazaki T, Hirose A, Sakamoto T, Okazaki M, Mitsumoto A, Kudo N, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/J Pharmacol Sci./2009/10
- Efficacy of urine bile acid as a non-invasive indicator of liver damage in rats./Kawai H, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/J Toxicol Sci./2009/02
- Manifestation of psychiatric behaviors in a mouse model of griseofulvin-induced hepatic porphyria./Satoh Y, Iwadate R, Watanabe Y, Kawai H, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/J Toxicol Sci./2008/12
- Tissue distribution and hepatic subcellular distribution of perfluorooctanoic acid at low dose are different from those at high dose in rats./Kudo N, Sakai A, Mitsumoto A, Hibino Y, Tsuda T, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2007/08
- Effects of pioglitazone on stearoyl-CoA desaturase in obese Zucker fa/fa rats./Toyama T, Kudo N, Mitsumoto A, Hibino Y, Nishikawa M, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/J Pharmacol Sci./2007/06
- Stearoyl-CoA Desaturase Activity Is Elevated by the Suppression of Its Degradation by Clofibric Acid in the Liver of Rats/Toyama T, Kudo N, Hibino Y, Tsuda T, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/J Pharmacol Sci./2007/05
- Rat organic anion transporter 3 and organic anion transporting polypeptide 1 mediated perfluorooctanoic acid transport./Katakura M, Kudo N, Tsuda T, Hibino Y, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/J. Health Sci./2007/01
- Responses of the liver to perfluorinated fatty acids with different carbon chain length in male and female mice:in relation to induction of hepatomegaly, peroxisomal beta-oxidation and microsomal 1-acylglycerophosphocholine acyltransferase./Kudo N, Suzuki-Nakajima E, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2006/09
- Effects of 8-2 fluorotelomer alcohol on oleic acid formation in the liver of rats./Iwase Y, Kudo N, Toyama T, Tamura M, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Biol Pharm Bull./2006/08
- Temperature rhythm reentrains faster than locomotor rhythm after a light phase shift./Satoh Y, Kawai H, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/Physiol Behav./2006/07
- Time-restricted feeding entrains daily rhythms of energy metabolism in mice./Satoh Y, Kawai H, Kudo N, Kawashima Y, Mitsumoto A./Joint Author/Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol./2006/05
- Regulation of palmitoyl-CoA chain elongation by clofibric acid in the liver of Zucker fa/fa rats./Toyama T, Kudo N, Mitsumoto A, Kawashima Y./Joint Author/Lipids/2005/05
- Effects of perfluorocarboxylic acids on the activities of acyl-CoA elongations in vivo and in vitro./T. Toyama, N. Kudo, A. Mitsumoto, and Y. Kawashima/Joint Author/Chem. Biol. Interact./2004/11
- Nitric Oxide-mediated Upregulation of the TGF-beta-inducible Early Response Gene-1 (TIEG1) in Human Fibroblasts by mRNA Stabilization Independent of TGF-beta/M. Mitsumoto, A. Mitsumoto, and B. Demple/Joint Author/Free Rad. Biol. Med./2003/06
- Regulation by carbohydrate and clofibric acid of palmitoyl-CoA chain elongation in the liver of rats./N. Kudo, T. Toyama, A. Mitsumoto, and Y. Kawashima/Joint Author/Lipids/2003/05
- A Subset of Newly Synthesized Polypeptides in Mitochondria from Human Endothelial Cells Exposed to Hydroperoxide Stress./A. Mitsumoto, A. Takeuchi, K. Okawa, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Free Rad. Biol. Med./2002/01
- DJ-1 is an Indicator for Endogenous Reactive Oxygen Species Elicited by Endotoxin./A. Mitsumoto, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Free Rad. Res./2001/12
- Inhibitory Effect of S-Nitrosoglutathione on Cell Proliferation and DNA Synthesis: Possible Role of Glyoxalase I Inactivation./A. Mitsumoto, K-R. Kim, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Chemico-Biol. Int./2001/07
- Variants of Peroxiredoxins Expression in Response to Hydroperoxide Stress./A. Mitsumoto, Y. Takanezawa, K. Okawa, A. Iwamatsu, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Free Rad. Biol. Med./2001/06
- Oxidized Forms of Peroxiredoxins and DJ-1 on Two-Dimensional Gels Increased in Response to Sublethal Levels of Paraquat./A. Mitsumoto, Y. Takanezawa, A. Takeuchi, K. Okawa, A. Iwamatsu, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Free Rad. Res./2001/06
- Chelation of Cellular Cu(I) Raised the Degree of Glyoxalase I Inactivation in Human Endothelial Cells upon Exposure to S-Nitrosoglutathione through Stabilization of S-Nitrosothiols./A. Mitsumoto, K-R. Kim, G. Oshima, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Biol. Pharm. Bull./2001/04
- Nitric Oxide Inactivates Glyoxalase I in Cooperation with Glutathione./A. Mitsumoto, K-R. Kim, G. Oshima, M. Kunimoto, K. Okawa, A. Iwamatsu, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/J. Biochem./2000/10
- Involvement of Glyoxalase I in NO-Induced Oxidative Stress./Atsushi MITSUMOTO, Yasuhito NAKAGAWA/Joint Author/J. Health Sci./1999/12
- Glyoxalase I is a Novel Nitric-oxide-Responsive Protein./A. Mitsumoto, K-R. Kim, G. Oshima, M. Kunimoto, K. Okawa, A. Iwamatsu, and Y. Nakagawa/Joint Author/Biochem. J./1999/12
- Changes of Energy Metabolism Induced by 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-related Compounds in Rat Pheochtomocytoma PC12 Cells/D. Kang, K. Miyako, F. Kuribayashi, E. Hasegawa, A. Mitsumoto, T. Nagano, and K. Takeshige/Joint Author/Arch. Biochem. Biophys./1997/01
- A Dual Effect of 1-Methyl-4-phenylpyridinium (MPP+)-analogs on the Respiratory Chain of Bovine Heart Mitochondria./E. Hasegawa, D. Kang, K. Sakamoto, A. Mitsumoto, T. Nagano, S. Minakami, and K. Takeshige/Joint Author/Arch. Biochem. Biophys./1997/01
- Toxicity of 1-Methyl-4-Phenylpyridinium Derivatives in Escherichia coli./A. Mitsumoto, T. Nagano and M. Hirobe/Joint Author/Arch. Biochem. Biophys./1992/08
- 抗体触媒 光本篤史、長野哲雄、荒田洋二 共著 有機合成化学協会誌 1990/06