氏名 |
Brett Collins |
氏名(カナ) |
ブレット コリンズ |
氏名(英語) |
Brett Collins |
所属 |
語学教育センター |
職名 |
准教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- Program Reform: Meeting Students' Changing Needs JALT 34 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan 2008/11/01
- Academic Listening: from strategies to autonomy JALT 34 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan 2008/11/01
- Video transcripts to collaborative summaries JALT 34 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan 2008/11/02
- Soundbites for cultural awareness JALT 34 International Conference, Tokyo, Japan 2008/11/02
- Listening: From strategies to autonomy ABS International, Buenos Aires, Argentina 2009/02/01
- Using Anecdotes for Vocabulary Building and Listener Processing Skill TESOL Spain 33rd Annual Convention, Universitat de Lleida 2010/03/16
- Classroom Listening: Tasks with a Process Approach TESOL Spain 33rd Annual Convention, Universitat de Lleida 2010/03/16
- Using video in the classroom: Pragmatics Instructional Pragmatics in the Japanese Junior High School, High School & University Contexts JALT 39th International Conference, Kobe, Japan 2013/10/26
- Pragmatics: Effects of an Instructional Treatment in a University Context JACET Kansai Chapter 2014 Spring Conference, Osaka, Japan 2014/06/14
- Exploring Receptive Knowledge of Derivational Affixes 14th Annual International TESOL Conference 2015 TESOL Asia 2015/08/22
- Second Language Aptitude and Listening Comprehension Cam-TESOL, Phnom Penh, Cambodia 2019/02/16
- リスニング理解 2020/09/02
- Linguistic Coding Differences in University, First-Year, English as a Foreign Language Learners The 2nd IAFOR International Conference on Language (ACL2021) Online from Tokyo, Japan
March 25-26, 2021 2021/04/01
- リスニング指導のためのシンプルな集中型と拡大型
- リスニングのパターン