氏名 |
David Williams |
氏名(カナ) |
ディビット ウィリアムス |
氏名(英語) |
David Williams |
所属 |
語学教育センター |
職名 |
教授 |
researchmap研究者コード |
researchmap機関 |
- Revisiting the extensive reading effect on TOEFL scores. 単著 Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) 34th International Conference Proceedings, 1168-1179. http://jalt-publications.org/recentpdf/proceedings/2008/E058.pdf 2009/10
- Socio-cultural motivations for study abroad amongst a group of Japanese students in the UK. 単著 Proceedings of the 8th Annual JALT Pan SIG Conference, 2009, 26-44. http://jalt.org/pansig/2009/PDF/Williams.pdf 2009/12
- Applying literature circles to non-fiction texts. 単著 Korea TESOL The English Connection, 13(4), 28 https://koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/pdf_publications/TECv13n4-0912.pdf 2009/12
- Does extensive reading always assist TOEFL scores? 単著 17th Korea TESOL International Conference Proceedings, (KOTESOL) 2009, 147-157. https://koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/pdf_publications/KOTESOL-Proceeds2009web.pdf 2010/06
- Student reactions to literature circles in content based instruction. 単著 18th Korea TESOL International Conference Proceedings, (KOTESOL) 2010, 219-228 https://koreatesol.org/sites/default/files/pdf_publications/KOTESOL-Proceeds2010web.pdf 2011/06
- A new approach to reading/ discussion focused language learning. 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 20(1), 59-72. 2012/03
- 30 years of tourism research a bibliography of tourism in English (1980-2009). 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 21(7),43-70. 2013/03
- The global reach of internships experiencing the Disney Academic English Internship Programme. 単著 Working Papers of the North East Asia Regional Language Conference 2013 2013/12
- Japanese students and education tourism reflections on a 2-week immersion programme in Malaysia 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 22(6) 2014/03
- Visitors at a university festival: a preliminary case study of visitor satisfaction 共著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 23(6) 2015/03
- Satisfaction at a university festival: a factor analysis of different visitor groups 共著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 24(6),1-20 2016/03
- Tokyo 2020: a legacy or lethargy for tourism? 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 25(6), 51-66 2017/03
- The Asia Summer Program: An Asian Learning Experience in Japan 単著 Japan Association for Language Teaching, Global Issues in Language Education, 102, 10-11. 2017/04
- Analysis of repeat visitation to a university festival 共著 International Society for Tourism Research, 2(2), p137-140. (with H. Iwamoto) 2017/11
- The changing profile of Japan inbound tourism between 1996 and 2016 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University (Faculty of Tourism), 26(6), pp.1-18. 2018/03
- Japanese airports and decentralization of international visits: current circumstances and future potential 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 27(6), pp.1-17. 2019/03
- Familiarity of Tourist Attractions in Japan Among Vietnamese and Chinese Nationals 単著 25th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Annual Conference Proceedings 2019/07
- Familiarity of tourist attractions in Japan among Vietnamese and Chinese nationals. 単著 Bulletin of Josai International University, Faculty of Tourism, 28(6), pp.1-20. 2020/03
- An Examination of the Tourism holiday Index (HCI:urban) in Tokyo 1964-2019 単著 Josai International University Bulletin 2021/03
- A Tourism Climate Index for Tokyo Summer: Modifying the the HCI:urban to Hot and Humid Conditions 単著 Josai International University Bulletin 2022/03
- How Suitable is Tokyo's Summer Climate for Tourism? Evidence from the Holiday Climate Index (HCI:urban) 単著 27th Asia Pacific Tourism Association Conference Proceedings 2022/07
- Using extensive reading to raise TOEFL scores. 16th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference, KOTESOL 2008 (Seoul, S.Korea) 2008/10/20
- ER and TOEFL scores revisited: a second years' experience Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2008 JALT 34th International Conference (Tokyo) 2008/11/21
- The limits of ER in raising TOEFL test scores. Japan Association for Language Teaching, 8th JALT PanSIG (Chiba) 2009/05/30
- Ryugaku: Japanese students’ motivations. Japan Association for Language Teaching, 8th JALT PanSIG (Chiba) 2009/05/30
- Does extensive reading always assist TOEFL scores? 17th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference, KOTESOL 2009 (Seoul, S.Korea) 2009/10/10
- ER: of limited value to TOEFL scores? Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2009 JALT 35th International Conference (Shizuoka) 2009/11/22
- The link between ER and test results: is there one? Japan Association for Language Teaching (Yokohama Chapter) 2010/01/17
- Using literature circles in a content-based course Japan Association for Language Teaching Workshop (Gunma Chapter) 2010/06/13
- Students reactions to ESL literature circles Pan Asia 2010, 18th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference (Seoul, S. Korea) 2010/10/16
- Literature circles and content based courses. Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2010 JALT 36th International Conference (Nagoya) 2010/11/20
- Student reactions to non-fiction literature circles Japan Association for Language Teaching, 4th Annual Extensive Reading Seminar 2011 (Okayama) 2011/02/20
- Using graded readers for content based reading circles Japan Association for Language Teaching, 10th JALT PanSIG Conference 2011 (Matsumoto) with M. Fumanovsky 2011/05/21
- Evaluating a new approach to literature circles. Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2011 JALT 37th International Conference (Tokyo) 2011/11/20
- ESP issues: the case of tourism studies Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2011 JALT 37th International Conference (Tokyo) (with Ishitani, M.) 2011/11/20
- Full Circle: a more rounded approach to content instruction 4th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 2012/05/20
- Mickey Mouse English:learning through the Disney Internship Programme. Japan Association for Language Teaching, 11th JALT PanSIG Conference 2012 (Hiroshima) 2012/06/26
- Learning through internships: the Disney Academic English Internship Programme 5th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 2013/05/25
- Overseas kenshu: across borders in Malaysia Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2014 JALT 40th International Conference (Ibaraki) 2014/11/24
- Creating successful learning abroad: English kenshu in Malaysia 7th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 2015/05/23
- An Asian learning experience in Japan Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2015 JALT 41st International Conference (Shizuoka) 2015/11/22
- Innovative Global Education: the Asia Program Japan Association for Language Teaching, 15th JALT PanSIG Conference 2016 (Nago, Okinawa) 2016/05/22
- Highlighting Issues in Study Abroad Study Abroad Special Interest Group Panel Member, Japan Association for Language Teaching, 2016 JALT 42nd International Conference (Nagoya) (with P. Horness, C. Tajima, & M. Toya) 2016/11/26
- Ryugakusei as a means to build university internationalization 9th North East Asia Regional (N.E.A.R.) Language Education Conference (Niigata) 2017/06/10
- Impact of Disney International Program on Graduate Employment Outcomes. Asia Pacific Association for International Education (APAIE) Conference 2018, Singapore. (with B. Jenkins-Deas and E. Ujitani) 2018/03/27
- Familiarity of Tourist Attractions in Japan among Vietnamese and Chinese Nationals 25th Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2019, Da Nang, Vietnam 2019/07/03
- How Suitable is Tokyo's Summer Climate for Tourism? Evidence from the Holiday Climate Index (HCI:Urban)/David Williams/26th Asia Pacific Tourism Association (APTA) Conference 2022, Jeju, S. Korea/2022/07/08
- Implications of Climate Change on Cherry Blossom Viewing and Autumn Foliage Viewing in Tokyo: Evidence from the Holiday Climate Index (HCI) 2023/07/05